Giant sculptures made of DNA
Chemists have improved the DNA origami assembly technique and obtained complex three-dimensional objects containing up to 30 thousand parts.
08.12.2017Chemists have improved the DNA origami assembly technique and obtained complex three-dimensional objects containing up to 30 thousand parts.
08.12.2017Scientists from Edinburgh propose to reduce the rodent population with the help of genetically modified male rats and mice.
08.12.2017The DNA origami method made it possible to obtain nanometer-resolution images of 8704 pixels with an area of 0.5 square microns.
08.12.2017Suppression of the APOE gene partially prevented the formation of amyloid plaques, memory loss and destruction of nervous tissue.
08.12.2017After 18 months, the liver of the experimental participants produced 34% of the normal amount of factor IX.
08.12.2017Scientists have created a material from genetically modified bacteria that can be used to print logic gates and entire chemical sensors.
08.12.2017Semi-synthetic bacteria have been taught to synthesize protein based on information encoded in DNA with six bases.
30.11.2017You can teach cells to react to light and control them with a flashlight. Let's try to figure out how optogenetics is convenient.
29.11.2017Genetic engineering is a promising way to modulate the synthesis of certain metabolites by the intestinal microflora and thereby influence immunity.
27.11.2017Scientists have forced bacterial cells to record the history of changes in the composition of the environment in their own genome.
24.11.2017A system of two molecular mechanisms embedded in the genome of microbes automatically destroys them outside the "permitted zone".
22.11.2017Scientists have for the first time tested the technique of gene editing in the body of a living adult.
22.11.2017T-lymphocytes, which have receptors only for cancer antigens on their surface, destroy cancer cells a thousand times more effectively.
21.11.2017American researchers have created transgenic mosquitoes that are capable of producing the Cas9 protein.
16.11.2017The CRISPR/Cas9 system can become a promising method of treating neurodegenerative diseases
15.11.2017Delivery of the CRISPR/Cas9 system using nanoparticles set a record: the necessary gene sections were cut out in 80% of mouse liver cells.
15.11.2017Scientists from Indiana State University have created a genetically modified dung beetle with a functional third eye.
15.11.2017A portion of mashed potatoes from it will give the child about half of the daily norm of vitamin A and a third of the required amount of vitamin E.
09.11.2017A new genome editing tool can turn A-T nucleotide pairs into G-C. Previous editors were only able to change G-C to A-T.
27.10.2017The advanced method of editing RNA without cutting based on the CRISPR-Cas13 system works with an accuracy of 20 to 40 and even 89%.
27.10.2017You can write to the editor at:
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