Proteins and longevity
Reducing natural errors in protein synthesis improves health and increases life expectancy.
15.09.2021Reducing natural errors in protein synthesis improves health and increases life expectancy.
15.09.2021A new gene delivery vehicle or CRISPR-Cas9 system can make gene therapy for muscle diseases safer and more effective.
14.09.2021Nanovaccines from COVID-19 based on cowpea mosaic virus and bacteriophage Q beta have been successfully tested on mice.
09.09.2021The CasMINI genome editing system is half the size of other CRISPR variants, which greatly facilitates its delivery to the cell.
06.09.2021Bacteria inserted into the DNA of the rabbit gene synthesize muscle fibers, from which you can sew heavy-duty clothing and body armor.
31.08.2021If this approach is used in clinical practice, it will help many people to return to normal life.
23.07.2021Catherine Braunstein, Scientific director of the Manhattan Orphan Disease Research Center, talks about the prospects of gene therapy.
22.07.2021Biologist Konstantin Severinov – about genetic engineering and gene therapy from microbes to humans.
20.07.2021Drops with modified "relatives" of Neisseria meningitidis caused a strong and long-term immune response in 60% of the volunteers.
14.07.2021In the near future, the researchers plan to test the new approach on animals, and in the future – on humans.
13.07.2021Scientists with the help of an adenovirus vector delivered to the brain of children the enzyme decarboxylase of aromatic amino acids, which did not work for them.
13.07.2021The volume of blood in the brain can serve as a way to track progress in gene therapy at an early stage of Huntington's disease.
08.07.2021Synthetic counterfeiting of the coronavirus quickly and effectively reduces the burden of the pathogenic version of the virus.
08.07.2021Genetically modified yeast detects inflammation in the intestine and destroys molecules that trigger pathological reactions.
02.07.2021For the first time, scientists tested CRISPR/Cas on the whole body – that is, they introduced "molecular scissors" directly into the blood.
29.06.2021In a new approach, scientists began to work with natural killer cells (NK cells) that perform similar functions to T cells.
29.06.2021Japanese molecular biologists have developed an "edible" cholera vaccine based on genetically modified rice grains.
28.06.2021Genetically modified E. coli synthesizes vanillin from plastic bottles.
15.06.2021Swiss scientists have delivered cells capable of producing glucagon-like peptide-1 under the skin on the back of mice under the action of light.
09.06.2021Elimination of a mutation in the gene responsible for hemoglobin synthesis cured mice with sickle cell anemia.
08.06.2021You can write to the editor at:
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