03 February 2017

Rejuvenate and die of cancer?

Scientists have tested a technique of rejuvenation with a fatal outcome

Ilya Vedmedenko, Naked Science

Researchers have tested a new technique to rejuvenate the body of mice. However, its use leads to the formation of tumors, from which rodents die.

Embryo cells and embryonic stem cells can be considered "immortal" from the point of view of biology. In an adequate environment, they can exist indefinitely and endlessly share. If we talk about adult cells, then after 40-50 cycles of division they enter the aging phase and gradually stop dividing. Now scientists associate the onset of old age with the accumulation of such "elderly" cells in the body. However, it should be said that they reduce the likelihood of developing cancer.

Not so long ago, researchers tested a technique that temporarily affects the genes responsible for the growth of stem cells. Using it, scientists managed to "rejuvenate" not individual cells and cultures, but mice as a whole. However, then the conclusions of the experts were perceived by many experts skeptically. And now a researcher from Spain, Maria Blasco, and her colleagues have decided to double-check the results (article by Marión et al. Common Telomere Changes during In Vivo Reprogramming and Early Stages of Tumorigenesis published in the journal Stem Cell Reports). They applied their own method of disabling the Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and cMYC genes, which are responsible for the transformation of formed cells into embryonic stem cell analogues.

For the experiment, genetically modified mice were used, in which the genes responsible for cell transformation were activated when taking the antibiotic doxycycline. Scientists have found out that activation of the "maturation reversal" of cells in the rodent's body leads to an increase in the telomeres of their chromosomes: in other words, the technique really allows you to "rejuvenate" the animal.

At the same time, the mice participating in the experiment died quickly, since reprogramming of somatic cells made them malignant. Note that there really is a lot in common between stem and cancer cells. The latter, as is known, is also capable of sharing indefinitely. The researchers hope that their experiment will allow them to learn more about the mechanism of cancer development.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  03.02.2017

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