21 April 2014

Vegetable fish oil

Britons will get fish oil from a genetically modified plant

Copper news based on the materials of Rothamsted Research:
Rothamsted Research is granted permission by Defra to carry out a field trial with GM Camelina plantsThe British Ministry of Environment, Food and Agriculture (DEFRA) has approved a project to grow a genetically engineered crop to produce a synthetic form of fish oil.

According to the authors of the project, if the tests are successful and the effectiveness and safety of such a product is proven, then it will appear in stores by 2020.

As laboratory experiments conducted by employees of the Agricultural Research Institute Rothamsted Research have shown, the insertion of seven algae genes into the genome of Camelina sativa from the cabbage family led to the formation of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids in its seeds - eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are useful for cardio-vascular and nervous systems: they have been shown to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease.

Seed ginger oil contains at least 90% unsaturated fatty acids without manipulation of genes and has long received recommendations from the best dog breeders and nutritionists. However, it is these NLCs in it, as in other vegetable oils, that are absent – VM.

The sowing of genetically engineered ginger seeds on a specially designated field in the county of Hertfordshire in the south-east of the United Kingdom will be held in May this year. The oil that will be extracted from the grown seeds will be analyzed, its composition, effectiveness and safety will be studied, and the rest of the crop will be destroyed in accordance with the agreed conditions.

The study will last until 2017, and if the tests are successful, an analogue of fish oil from agricultural crops may appear on grocery store shelves as early as 2020.

Critics call the expected product from genetically modified ginger "Frankenstein's food" and worry about the hidden risks of GMOs for human health and the environment.

The head of the research project, Professor Jonathan Napier, noted that previously none of the genetically engineered vegetable oils had been consumed by humans, and it is necessary to find out all possible risks and carefully study the effect of this GMO product on health before the production and sale of genetically modified ginger oil as a biologically active an additive or food product. According to him, if positive research results are obtained, this technology will relieve pressure on fishing and reduce the depletion of world fish resources.

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