How Big Data is Changing Biology
A huge number of biological questions can be answered only by performing calculations on a computer.
04.12.2019A huge number of biological questions can be answered only by performing calculations on a computer.
04.12.2019Geneticist Evgeny Rogaev – about the causes of aging, the influence of genes on life expectancy and metabolic processes in animals.
02.12.2019The shortening of telomeres is responsible for the changes that occur in cells during the development of the disease, and not the fact of the mutation itself.
29.11.2019Researchers from the Swedish Center for Paleogenetics and NEFU study the remains of a puppy aged 18 thousand years.
29.11.2019Men are more likely to have cancer because one of the main anti-cancer proteins fails more often.
28.11.2019Variations in the PDSS2 gene determine the rate of caffeine metabolism and, accordingly, a person's propensity to drink coffee.
27.11.2019Animals that hibernate have some kind of internal metabolic switch that allows them to control their obesity.
27.11.2019The longevity of elderly smokers can be provided by the same genes that helped ancient people adapt to the smoke of bonfires.
27.11.2019Cancer ring DNA accelerates the mutation of cancer cells and makes them more aggressive. This is due to the peculiarities of gene inheritance during division.
25.11.2019A boom in DNA testing of children has begun in China, although from a scientific point of view such tests are no better than fortune-telling on coffee grounds.
25.11.2019Two copies of a mutant variant of the APOE3 gene protected a resident of Colombia from early familial Alzheimer's disease.
19.11.2019Scientists have found traces of social stratification of the UK population at the genetic level.
12.11.2019Researchers from the University of Copenhagen have received new data on how stem cells solve this issue.
11.11.2019In order to escape from therapy, some cancer cells begin to deliberately damage their DNA.
11.11.2019A research team from Abbott Laboratories and the University of Missouri reported the discovery of a new strain of HIV.
08.11.2019Russian bioinformatics have described the complexity of the interaction of microRNAs with matrix and other human RNAs.
07.11.2019A mixed culture existed in the Levant for 2000-3000 years, and then disappeared for no apparent reason.
07.11.2019Two mutant copies of any of these genes increase the risk of developing the disease from four to 50 times, depending on the gene.
06.11.2019Changing just two genes cured obesity, type 2 diabetes, and kidney and heart failure in mice.
05.11.2019Barely having time to arise, a new field of science – sociogenomics – gave rise to a whole bunch of ethical problems.
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