How do we differ from chimpanzees?
Biologists have made a breakthrough by identifying several dozen regulators unique to humans that control the work of genes.
29.05.2019Biologists have made a breakthrough by identifying several dozen regulators unique to humans that control the work of genes.
29.05.2019Mutations in the so-called "junk" DNA can cause autism spectrum disorders.
29.05.2019Scientists have discovered gene variants that are more common in lupus patients and likely contribute to the development of the disease.
21.05.2019The new method allows isolating individual cancer cells of patients and mapping epigenetic labels on chromosomes.
21.05.2019The study of twins showed the genetic roots of dog breeding. It turned out that people get dogs because of genes, but which ones are still unknown.
20.05.2019The transplanted organ may not take root even if it is fully compatible with the proteins of the main histocompatibility complex.
17.05.2019The latest findings of studies conducted in the field of epigenetics related to obesity and type 2 diabetes.
14.05.2019A cancer cell can synthesize several different forms of Mcl-1, one of which blocks apoptosis, and the other, on the contrary, accelerates it.
29.04.2019The favorite hobby of American pensioners, home DNA tests, is the main driver of the revolution in criminology.
29.04.2019Who can potentially get information about your genome and whether it is worth fearing for the confidentiality of genetic data.
26.04.2019The new polygenic analysis method allows to predict to some extent the probability of an extra 13 kilograms.
22.04.2019While the twins are saving each other from punishment and vice versa, geneticists have learned to distinguish them.
17.04.2019The next calculations showed that genes are responsible for 11% of differences in intelligence and 16% of differences in school performance.
16.04.2019Russian scientists have developed a new method of rapid selection of cells with gene modifications using CRISPR/Cas9
15.04.2019Low social status may be associated with epigenetic changes in more than 1,500 genes.
08.04.2019Chromosomes of spermatozoa with modified histones affect gene expression in offspring.
08.04.2019A large-scale study showed that 18 of the most studied candidate genes are not associated with depression.
05.04.2019Some pairs of nucleotides in DNA serve as a kind of traffic lights that regulate gene expression.
05.04.2019The GenePrism test analyzes only those genetic variants that really significantly affect the risk of developing diseases.
04.04.2019Predicting IQ by one change in a particular gene is like guessing the denouement of a detective story by a single letter in the middle of a chapter.
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