Human evolution continues
Scientists have found out that natural selection still affects representatives of our species, eliminating carriers of harmful mutations.
07.09.2017Scientists have found out that natural selection still affects representatives of our species, eliminating carriers of harmful mutations.
07.09.2017Studies of the spatial configuration of DNA in chromosomes have revealed unexpected, previously unknown causes of severe human diseases.
05.09.2017Scientists have found that a certain variation of the complex of genes involved in the development of Alzheimer's disease correlates with intellectual performance in childhood.
01.09.2017At the very first stages of specialization, the cells of the embryo choose their fate – the direction of differentiation – randomly switching on and off a variety of genes.
28.08.2017The gene of one of the proteins got into the human genome about 150,000 years ago as a result of crossing with a "ghost" species of hominids. Our common ancestors separated 1.5−2 million years ago.
25.07.2017Experiments on fruit flies have shown that "resistance" to gene modification using CRISPR/Cas9 can easily arise and spread in the population.
21.07.2017In fact, all the "best friends of man" are carriers of the so–called "elf syndrome" - mental retardation associated with the rearrangement of chromosomes.
20.07.2017An international team of scientists has concluded that the development of intelligence and related genetic markers occurred in the Holocene, but slowed down in the XX century.
19.07.2017American geneticist Dan Grauer from the University of Houston believes that only a quarter of the human genome is functional. Everything else is related to junk DNA.
18.07.2017A new study has discovered a way in which different strains of the virus exchange genetic information and thus create new varieties of the disease.
14.07.2017Zymo Research has announced the launch of a new service that allows the assessment of biological age using the myDNAge epigenetic test.
13.07.2017Researchers from the University of Cambridge on a sample of almost 200 thousand people described the genetic correlate (16 specific variations in genes) of grip strength.
13.07.2017An excerpt from the book "The Mysterious Human Genome" by biologist Frank Ryan – about HIV, cell infection and the influence of retroviruses on human evolution.
12.07.2017Google representatives met with representatives of the organization Genomic England, which is engaged in a project to sequence the genome of 100 thousand Britons.
11.07.2017As a rule, as a result of gene mutations associated with either proliferation (cell division) or apoptosis (programmed cell death).
11.07.2017The girl whose tooth was found in 1984 in Denisova Cave belonged to Denisovans, not Neanderthals, and she lived much earlier than three other Denisovans.
10.07.2017Psychogeneticist Robert Plomin – about the role of genes and upbringing in the formation of personality, the ability to foreign languages and gemini studies.
10.07.2017The development of colon and rectal cancer can be suppressed by blocking the work of the STRA6 protein associated with the transfer of vitamin A and the growth and reproduction of stem cells.
07.07.2017Millions of years ago there were no white, brown, or Himalayan bears, but thanks to evolution, their ancestors adapted to environmental conditions, dividing into the species we know.
06.07.2017Researchers from the USA and Canada concluded that the fixation of a mutation that increases the risk of arthritis may be associated with human migration from Africa.
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