Troll's Heart: details
A rare mutation that disrupts the ASGR1 gene reduces the risk of heart attack by a third. Amgen specialists have already started searching for drugs that can "turn off" this gene.
02.06.2016A rare mutation that disrupts the ASGR1 gene reduces the risk of heart attack by a third. Amgen specialists have already started searching for drugs that can "turn off" this gene.
02.06.2016The technique of studying the "pedigree" of each cell in the body will make a breakthrough in understanding how trillions of cells in the human body originate from a single egg.
30.05.2016Avigdor Kahaner is one of the outstanding modern geneticists, the man who bred a breed of chicken without feathers. For this, some cursed him, while others, on the contrary, called him a great scientist.
27.05.2016Microbiologist Konstantin Severinov – on bacterial communication, bioinformatic analysis and transgenic microorganisms.
26.05.2016Biologist Sergey Nuzhdin – about mutations, the first studies of genomic associations and mechanisms of phenotype prediction.
26.05.2016One of the key genes determining the effect of stress and bad or good mood on life expectancy turned out to be ank3, which encodes the protein anikirin 3.
25.05.2016An international team of scientists has identified the genes responsible for the shape of the nose and some other facial features.
24.05.2016Researchers from the University of Southern California have discovered a "sunscreen gene" whose presence protects against ultraviolet radiation and may be able to prevent the development of skin cancer.
23.05.2016Geneticists from Stanford University have found out why some copies of genes that have been doubled as a result of mutations remain in the genome, despite the fact that most of them are lost or lose their functions.
23.05.2016The gene, recognized by science as inactive in the adult body, actually plays a crucial role in eliminating the cause of most myocardial infarctions and strokes
20.05.2016Certain variants of the MC1R gene make a person outwardly almost two years older than his real age.
17.05.2016To read the ancient DNA, scientists used the genetic material of the mammoth Chroma, discovered in Yakutia in 2009.
17.05.2016The effect of each gene corresponds to explains from 0.01 to 0.035% variability on the basis of "duration of training". At the same time, the total effect of all 74 genes is less than the sum of their individual effects.
16.05.2016Studying the "fitness landscapes" of various proteins gives geneticists the opportunity to start searching for the effect of mutation interactions in complex polygenic diseases.
13.05.2016Scientists have identified two single-nucleotide polymorphisms, the presence of each of which increases a woman's chances of a multiple pregnancy by almost a third.
29.04.2016Molecular biologists from the Netherlands Institute of Cancer Research have tested the effectiveness of a new method for identifying vital genes based on the CRISPR-Cas9 system.
26.04.2016More than two hundred listeners gathered at the conference on human population and medical genetics "Genome of Russia", which took place in the Hypercube of the Skolkovo Innovation Center.
20.04.2016The end of this race is not in sight, and it is unlikely that anyone will come out of it the final winner. However, knowledge of its mechanisms will allow people to at least partially take control of it in the future.
18.04.2016Different species (C.elegans roundworms, fruit flies, mice and humans) have both species-specific and several dozen common mechanisms of aging and mortality.
14.04.2016Perhaps gene backups are not the only way to avoid the negative impact of mutations, and genes may have different systems of "safety net" for each other.
13.04.2016You can write to the editor at:
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