Are telomeres a double–edged sword?
Long telomeres, increasing the vitality of the body as a whole, are a risk factor for brain cancer and, possibly, a number of more common forms of cancer.
10.06.2014Long telomeres, increasing the vitality of the body as a whole, are a risk factor for brain cancer and, possibly, a number of more common forms of cancer.
10.06.2014The discovery of American scientists opens the way to the development of more "targeted" drugs to suppress the symptoms of schizophrenia and expands medical understanding of the problems of early brain development.
06.06.2014With the help of a unique program for financing promising developments, the US government has almost managed to achieve the long-awaited goal: to reduce the cost of genome sequencing to thousands of dollars.
03.06.2014Geneticists have found out that blondes and blondes appear due to a single mutation. It does not affect any other body functions, except for hair color.
03.06.2014A panel of 11 genes, most of which are involved in the development of various neuropsychiatric disorders, is an effective tool for diagnosing predisposition to alcoholism.
23.05.2014The DNA of two people living in a couple is much more similar to each other than the DNA of any other pair of arbitrarily considered men and women.
20.05.2014One of the variants of the KLOTHO gene provides not only longevity, but also outstanding mental abilities.
13.05.2014Pavel Borodin, a Russian geneticist, head of the laboratory at the Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, studies the behavior of chromosomes of various animals, and in his spare time shamelessly exploits cats to promote modern biology.
23.04.2014With the help of the new Matchright technology, it will be possible to learn about the health and external features of the child even before conception.
15.04.2014Most of the genes, as well as genetic and epigenetic mechanisms involved in the regulation of life expectancy, are closely interrelated with the mechanisms of stress reaction development.
01.04.2014Different variants of several genes make it possible to predict whether radiotherapy will be effective in the treatment of cancer or, conversely, will lead to deterioration.
01.04.2014According to the results of the latest study on this burning topic, of the entire spectrum of genes that affect body mass index, the highest degree of such influence is in the AMY1 gene encoding the enzyme amylase contained in saliva.
31.03.2014The synthetic chromosome, made instead of the natural one, differs from the natural prototype by every sixth nucleotide, which does not prevent the yeast from feeling normal.
28.03.2014The Russian participant of the fifth stage of the Fantom project (Functional ANnoTation Of Mammals – functional characteristics of the mammalian genome) bioinformatician Vsevolod Makeev – about the tasks of the work and how it was conducted.
28.03.2014A new approach to the classification of periodontitis, based not on clinical manifestations and symptoms, but on the analysis of gene activity in the affected tissues, will allow for earlier diagnosis and more individualized therapy.
25.03.2014Genetic diseases must be prevented. Did the participants of the round table "Preventive genetics – luxury or the key to the health of Russians" talk about this?
24.03.2014Contrary to the popular opinion that genetics is a "guest from the future", the RNC is confident and successfully proves that this science has already become a powerful help for surgeons today.
24.03.2014Mutations in the BRCA1 gene lead not only to malignant tumors of the mammary glands and ovaries. If this gene does not work in neural stem cells, the brain they form will be much smaller than it should be.
20.03.2014What opportunities do genetic testing have today? What can't doctors and geneticists agree on? Let's analyze the pros and cons of "independent" DNA analysis.
19.03.2014Existing technologies of genome-wide DNA sequencing, with all their perfection, still do not accurately read some genes that may be related to a particular disease.
13.03.2014You can write to the editor at:
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