Harmful old ladies
Mobile elements awakened in the DNA of old cells activate antiviral protection with accompanying inflammatory signals.
12.02.2019Mobile elements awakened in the DNA of old cells activate antiviral protection with accompanying inflammatory signals.
12.02.2019During physical activity, the peptide hormone irisin is released into the blood, stimulating the growth of neurons in the hippocampus.
12.02.2019A unified model of metabolic flow in the worm C.elegans allowed us to study the relationship between metabolism and aging processes.
11.02.2019The mechanism of autophagy – the processing of damaged or unnecessary structures and molecules in cells – is involved in almost every aspect of aging.
08.02.2019The new data may explain why the cognitive abilities of older women are slightly higher than the abilities of men of the same age.
07.02.2019This is what researchers call their drug as opposed to senolytics that remove old cells from tissues.
07.02.2019Women's brains accumulate "protein garbage" faster, which accelerates the development of Alzheimer's disease and the manifestation of its symptoms.
05.02.2019Review of the current level of study of the issue in natural and laboratory conditions.
04.02.2019Stress triggers cell aging through the production of reactive oxygen species with the participation of the enzyme DAO (D-amino acid oxidase).
31.01.2019The theory proposed by MIPT scientists will make it possible to create new drugs for common ailments of older people.
29.01.2019A low-calorie diet supports the functionality of brain stem cells, slowing down the age-related decline of its functions.
25.01.2019Scientists and futurologists are increasingly talking about increasing human life – the figures are 120 and 150 years.
24.01.2019The idea of using the blood of young people as a remedy for aging remains controversial, but is becoming increasingly popular.
22.01.2019Mesencephalic astrocytic neurotrophic factor has a rejuvenating effect in parabiosis.
17.01.2019The microbiome is a surprisingly accurate clock capable of predicting the biological age of most people with an accuracy of several years.
16.01.2019Disabling one of the proteins in the muscles of aging mice reversed age-related mitochondrial disorders.
14.01.2019The life expectancy of parents and children is generally correlated, but not in all families.
11.01.2019A personal comprehensive approach to the treatment of patients with Alzheimer's disease has led to an unprecedented improvement in cognitive functions.
10.01.2019MSU experts summarized the latest scientific achievements in a little–studied area - how the features of protein synthesis in the cell are related to aging.
09.01.2019Slowing down the assembly of new proteins in cells and accelerating their processing should prolong life most effectively.
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