29 September 2009

Competition of Russian innovations

IX Contest of Russian Innovations invites everyone to participate

The All-Russian "Competition of Russian Innovations" is a set of measures for the selection, examination and promotion of the best innovative projects in order to promote the development of innovative activities and the disclosure of the innovative potential of Russia.

Dates of the event: from 21.09.2009 to 29.05.2010. The deadline for submitting applications is December 29, 2009.

The "Competition of Russian Innovations" has been organized and held by the Expert Media Holding annually since 2001. Details of the history of the competition can be found on the website of the competition.

Objectives of the competition:• development of innovation activity in Russia;

• development of methods for evaluating innovative projects; attracting investment in the innovation sphere;
• development of financing mechanisms for innovative projects and various ways to promote them to the market;
• assistance in increasing the activity of scientists and researchers, inventors, engineers and technicians;
• formation of a favorable public opinion about the innovative potential of Russia

The subject of the competition is the compilation of a database on innovative projects, their examination and ranking, selection and promotion of the best. For the purposes of this competition, a "project" means a set of interrelated measures to create and promote scientific and technical developments (inventions, utility models, know-how, research results, etc.) to the market.

The Russian Innovation Contest is your chance to get funding, attract attention to your project from investors and consumers, declare yourself, learn about other innovators, communicate with them, as well as with members of the expert council.

Unlike many other projects, participation in our competition, exhibition, events and publications is free.

The competition is held on four types of projects:

• White Paper Projects
• Promising projects
• Innovative projects
• Success Story

The White Paper projects can be submitted both on behalf of a legal entity (organization) and on behalf of an individual. These include projects that may have a critical impact on individual industries, national or global economy in the future. Their implementation may require large-scale investments and long implementation periods (10-20 years). Projects may be at the earliest ("exploratory") stages of development and present the results of the research work carried out.

Prospective projects can be submitted both on behalf of a legal entity (organization) and on behalf of an individual. "Promising" projects include projects that are at the early ("seed") stages of development, do not have a prototype and require a significant share of R&D.

Innovative projects can be submitted only on behalf of the legal entity (organization) implementing the project. "Innovative projects" assume a high degree of R&D readiness, the availability of a prototype product and a well-developed strategy for commercialization of development.

The success story is the implemented innovative projects, as a result of which new products (technologies, products, services) have been brought to the market in the last 3 years. Only legal entities (organizations) can submit such projects.

The participants of the competition independently choose which type of project they represent.

The participant, by sending a description of the project to the address of the competition, thereby confirms that the information contained therein does not contain commercial, state or other secrets and gives his consent to the provision by the Organizer of the competition of information from it to third parties (including by posting information in the database of the Competition).

Organizations participating in the competition should not be in a state of liquidation, bankruptcy, reorganization, suspension of economic activity.

The winners of the competition will be selected from among the participants who have demonstrated the best performance of their project in the aggregate of three groups of indicators:

• technological novelty of the project and its readiness for implementation;
• market size and dynamics;
• organizational potential and qualifications of the project team.

An Expert Council has been formed by the organizers of the competition to conduct an examination of the projects submitted for the competition. The Expert Council includes representatives of multinational corporations, venture funds, innovative firms and other organizations, scientists and experts in various fields of science, technology, technology, as well as authoritative experts in the field of economic expertise and organization of financing of innovative projects. The Expert Council holds regular meetings at which it reviews the projects participating in the competition and decides on determining the list of projects allowed to participate in the subsequent stages of the competition. The list of members of the Expert Council can be found on the website of the competition.

According to the results of the competition, projects with the best scientific, technical, economic and financial indicators will be selected.

The winners of the contest will be awarded commemorative badges "Hope" and honorary diplomas. In addition, a number of winners of the competition will be awarded special prizes provided by the sponsors of the competition.

The winners of the competition receive information support in the central mass media, as well as the opportunity to present their projects at events held by the Organizing Committee of the competition.

Innovation Bureau "Expert"

The Organizing Committee of the Competition:Project Manager – Dan Medovnikov

Project Coordinator – Irik Imamutdinov
Secretary of the Expert Council – Stanislav Rozmirovich

E-mail: konkurs@expert.ru (for communication with the Organizing Committee)
Phone number: +7 495 234 0492
ICQ: 374387292

Details are available on the contest website.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru

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