Fasting and metabolism
Japanese researchers have identified 30 new compounds whose concentration in the body increases during fasting.
04.02.2019Japanese researchers have identified 30 new compounds whose concentration in the body increases during fasting.
04.02.2019According to a new study, if a tumor does occur, in some cases the anti-oncogene p53 promotes its growth.
04.02.2019The anti-cancer effectiveness of the virus developed by Japanese scientists turned out to be higher than that of all existing ones.
01.02.2019The team of researchers, which includes the famous scientist John Ioannidis, claims that many startups can repeat the fate of Theranos.
01.02.2019Until now, gene therapy in the fight against cancer has not given good results. The new method may solve this problem in many ways.
01.02.201912 DNA sites with 328 mutation variants were associated with the risk of getting sick earlier or later than their peers.
01.02.2019Stress triggers cell aging through the production of reactive oxygen species with the participation of the enzyme DAO (D-amino acid oxidase).
31.01.2019According to AEBi, a drug called MuTaTo will be ready within a year, attacking any tumors in several directions.
31.01.2019The swelling tablet can deliver various sensors or mini-cameras to the stomach, as well as help those who want to lose weight.
31.01.2019If The Wizard of Oz had been written in our time, the Scarecrow could have gone to Novosibirsk Akademgorodok for brains.
31.01.2019Scientists from China have successfully tested on rats a long-term male contraceptive that works on the principle of a layered cocktail.
31.01.2019Donor stem cells have been successfully used in disorders of the functions of corneal epithelial stem cells.
30.01.2019About 60 laboratories will be established in Russia as part of the accelerated development of science and genetic editing program.
30.01.2019Analysis of half a million genomes confirmed the depressiveness of "owls", but did not find a reliable link with obesity and diabetes
30.01.2019The simple system proposed by the authors makes it possible to obtain large amounts of therapeutic proteins from chicken eggs.
29.01.2019The new device trains the cells of the organoid of the heart and allows you to evaluate their response to various influences.
29.01.2019The theory proposed by MIPT scientists will make it possible to create new drugs for common ailments of older people.
29.01.2019Pharmacogenomics is a young but promising science that began to be put into practice only in the 21st century.
29.01.2019The drug replaces toxic chemotherapy and has already shown high efficacy in animals with osteosarcoma.
29.01.2019In 2019, the profitability of investments in bioengineering will largely depend on the developments described in this article.
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