All for the fight against the aging molecule!
To reduce the contribution of glucosepan to aging, one effective means is needed that can destroy this compound.
25.10.2017To reduce the contribution of glucosepan to aging, one effective means is needed that can destroy this compound.
25.10.2017Corpus Publishing House is preparing to release a translation of Svante Peabo's book "Neanderthal. In search of missing genomes."
25.10.2017A new type of pneumonia vaccine, unlike other vaccines, does not create immunity, but prevents the transition of pneumococci into a dangerous state.
25.10.2017The new vaccine could lead to a drug to treat autoimmune diseases and even to protect against Alzheimer's disease.
24.10.2017Electrical stimulation of the brain has significantly increased cognitive capabilities (so far – only macaques). Military personnel are next in line.
24.10.2017The review is addressed to investment firms and large companies interested in medical methods to combat aging.
24.10.2017Many countries do not provide morphine to all those in need: Mexico covers only 36% of the need, China – 16%, Vietnam – 9%, Russia - 8%.
24.10.2017Analysis of the tissues of the respiratory tract and lungs of e-cigarette smokers showed the presence of biomarkers of lupus and psoriasis in them.
24.10.2017Older people whose brains spend more time processing words when reading may later develop Alzheimer's disease.
24.10.2017Professor Roger Kamm of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology – about the possibilities and prospects of modern biomechanics.
24.10.2017The experiment on bacteria showed that over 60,000 generations, the evolution of experimental populations has not stopped or even slowed down.
24.10.2017This week, Russian Top Officials said something for which ordinary citizens would be offered to treat shattered nerves.
24.10.2017Even if you can boast of a good genome, this does not mean that you will live at least as long as your ancestors, without special efforts.
23.10.2017The computer analogue of the game "hot and cold" helped elderly people to parse 25% more words in a noisy environment.
23.10.2017Skin stem cells "remember" about the damage and heal wounds faster next time, but the same process can also lead to the development of psoriasis.
23.10.2017Compression fractures of the vertebrae, bones of the forearm and femur are most common in osteoporosis.
23.10.2017Translation of an article published on the Gamasutra portal, which describes the types of civil science games and approaches to their development.
23.10.2017The PhysBio symposium was attended by almost 250 leading specialists in various fields of bionanotechnology, nanoteranostics, nanomedicine, biophotonics.
23.10.2017Proteins consisting of spirals with specified properties are capable of forming tetrahedra, pyramids and prisms both in solution and in living cells.
23.10.2017The winners of the National Award "Venture Investor-2017" were announced in Moscow within the framework of the International Forum "Open Innovations".
20.10.2017You can write to the editor at:
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