In a tumor on a ride
Albumin protein molecules can be used to deliver miRNA molecules to cancer cells, causing them to kill themselves or stopping their reproduction.
25.07.2017Albumin protein molecules can be used to deliver miRNA molecules to cancer cells, causing them to kill themselves or stopping their reproduction.
25.07.2017In 87% of patients, injections allowed maintaining an undetectable level of viral load. In the control group, this was achieved only in 84%.
25.07.2017The global obesity epidemic has become a serious challenge for the health system, which imposes an additional burden on the economies of developed countries.
25.07.2017The hair of a cancer patient suddenly darkened against the background of taking modern drugs. Doctors are not ready to comment on this situation yet.
24.07.2017Scientists from Saudi Arabia, the United States and the United Arab Emirates have shown that high income and living in rural areas are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.
24.07.2017Roche did not want to license its leading candidate drug for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia and solid tumors from the Spanish Orizn Ginomix.
24.07.2017George Church explains the incredible possibilities for the reversal of human aging, which can reach their potential earlier than many expected.
24.07.2017A geneticist from Stanford is trying to help people notice the amazing absurdity of many "scientific" genetic tests present on the market today.
24.07.2017Scientists from the USA have found out how new sections of DNA are embedded in CRISPR systems, widely used in modern genetic engineering methods.
24.07.2017An international group of scientists has concluded that the prevalence of artificial lighting sources does not worsen the quality of sleep of urban residents.
24.07.2017The article published in the British journal Lancet is provocative: the authors admit that they are building a theory based on statistical modeling.
24.07.2017Scientists should recognize that the creation of such chimeras is not associated with moral problems, and begin to actively consider the opportunities provided.
21.07.2017This article has nothing to do with the discussion on the legalization of marijuana. We will talk about what this plant can give to medicine.
21.07.2017The premiere was deceived: the "fighting heffalump" turned out to be an imported LEGO children's constructor designed to teach children the basics of robotics.
21.07.2017Perhaps in the future it will be possible to grow a new liver directly in the body – even if not entirely, but at least half or a third, but this will be enough.
21.07.2017It is possible that many cases of schizophrenia arise due to disorders in the work of neuroglia cells, rather than neurons, which were not previously associated with this disease.
21.07.2017The new system helps to quickly restore the ability to move independently in case of paralysis of the lower extremities as a result of illness or injury.
21.07.2017Experiments on fruit flies have shown that "resistance" to gene modification using CRISPR/Cas9 can easily arise and spread in the population.
21.07.2017Injection of "dummy" immunodeficiency virus forced the immunity of cows to develop a whole set of antibodies that neutralize 96% of HIV varieties.
21.07.2017American researchers have described the use of a protein that suppresses the action of the CRISPR-Cas9 system to reduce the non-targeted effects of gene editing.
20.07.2017You can write to the editor at:
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