Is aspirin good for you?
Taking low-dose aspirin daily to prevent blood clots can be harmful and even deadly for some patients.
15.06.2017Taking low-dose aspirin daily to prevent blood clots can be harmful and even deadly for some patients.
15.06.2017Biologists from Stanford have reduced heart failure in rats with a model of myocardial infarction using photosynthetic bacteria injected into the heart.
15.06.2017The analysis showed that the genome of children with early manifestation of antisocial behavior contains seven loci with a specifically high level of methylation.
15.06.2017Craving for drugs and other elements of drug addiction affect the same neurons in the brain as hunger, scientists from Harvard University have found.
15.06.2017A startup organized by the creator of the first "child from three parents" offers to cure infertility of women over 40 years old with the help of core transfer.
15.06.2017Everyone has heard about cancer one way or another. Someone saw messages on social networks, someone helped relatives and friends to survive this disease, and someone came face to face with it.
15.06.2017The first drug for the treatment of calcification of the heart valves may be a monoclonal body, originally developed as a remedy for rheumatoid arthritis.
14.06.2017What is aging? Programmed murder. And the menopause? Programmed castration. Two mechanisms of population control that genes have honed over billions of years.
14.06.2017Nikolay Dobrovolsky, Vice President of Parallels: venture business is like a lottery. Few are lucky. How not to discover that you are developing a startup for the sake of a startup?
14.06.2017A new microfluidic sensor has shown that nicotine-containing vaporizers may have increased genotoxicity compared to conventional cigarettes.
14.06.2017The new autologous SkinTE product provides regeneration of all skin layers, including hair follicles, with deep wounds and burns of the 3rd degree.
14.06.2017A protein molecule that causes human skin cells to be covered with a real tan without the participation of the Sun, works even for red-haired girls and blondes.
14.06.2017Kanagliflozin reduces blood glucose levels in diabetics, significantly reduces the risk of developing heart and kidney diseases and ... doubles the risk of amputation.
14.06.2017The main goal of prosthetic developers is to create a ready–made and user-friendly device that you can buy, put on and use without complex training. How far is it to this?
14.06.2017Eating fatty and high-calorie foods accelerates the development of Alzheimer's disease and increases the likelihood of its occurrence in carriers of a dangerous variant of the APOE gene.
14.06.2017Experts from companies developing the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technology have sharply criticized a recent publication in the journal Nature Methods.
13.06.2017A blood test can detect fragments of cancer DNA in the early stages, when the tumor cannot yet be detected by any of the existing devices.
13.06.2017Experts from Beijing Metropolitan Medical University confirmed the hypothesis of the "obesity paradox" on the largest sample of patients with diabetes mellitus.
13.06.2017LCT, a company developing technology for the treatment of Parkinson's disease with pig cells, has announced the success of early clinical trials and the beginning of the next phase of research.
13.06.2017A group of American and Russian scientists has created the smallest plasmon nanolasers that will find application in the diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases.
13.06.2017You can write to the editor at:
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