Human Brain, Blue Brain... now also Cal-BRAIN
California, despite the massive ten–year federal BRAIN project announced by Obama last year, has adopted its own program of neurobiological innovations - Cal-BRAIN.
04.07.2014California, despite the massive ten–year federal BRAIN project announced by Obama last year, has adopted its own program of neurobiological innovations - Cal-BRAIN.
04.07.2014The project should relate to the field of nanotechnology and/or biotechnology, have an industrial orientation and confirmed demand, including on the world market. The expected period of commercialization of the created technology is no more than 5 years.
04.07.2014The samples of the fur of the "snowmen" collected around the world partially turned out to be plant or artificial fibers, and the rest belong to a variety of well-known animals, but not to an "unknown humanoid primate".
04.07.2014A biorobot about a centimeter in size has the shape of the letter "P", between the "legs" of which a tourniquet of artificially grown muscle tissues is stretched. The robot's movement speed can be controlled by changing the frequency of electric current pulses.
04.07.2014Researchers from Boston have found a new way to restore the cornea of the eye. According to the authors, this method will someday help people who have lost their eyesight as a result of injuries and burns.
03.07.2014The results of mesenchymal stem cell transplantation can be improved by simultaneous administration of endothelial colony-forming cells to the recipient.
03.07.2014Is it worth it to regularly consume vitamins for millions of apparently healthy people who do not have any complaints about their well-being? Scientists are divided into two camps on this issue.
03.07.2014Beta-amyloid, which forms insoluble plaques in nerve cells in Alzheimer's disease, has traditionally been considered the main cause of neurotoxicity in this disease, but in reality the situation is not so simple.
02.07.2014With the help of genetic and enzymatic modifications, erythrocytes were turned into carriers suitable for the targeted delivery of a wide range of therapeutic compounds.
02.07.2014The conference "Genetics of Aging and Longevity" ended in April, and reports on the issues discussed at it about the study of the causes of aging, attempts to slow it down, and if possible, stop it and even reverse it, continue.
02.07.2014The risk of developing the three most common types of cancer (breast, prostate or colon) is mainly determined by hereditary predisposition.
02.07.2014The supercooling method allows to increase the period of preservation of the donor liver outside the body by 3 times compared to the existing ones – up to three days.
02.07.2014Biomolecula annually holds a competition for the best popular scientific publication in the field of modern biology. A special feature of this year's competition is a new nomination – bioinformatics.
02.07.20146 facts about errors in DNA replication and repair, hereditary diseases and mildly harmful mutations.
01.07.2014The map is a search engine that consolidates information about technoparks, business incubators, accelerators, collective use centers, prototyping centers, innovation development institutes and other participants of the innovation system of the capital.
01.07.2014American scientists have discovered a target for a future neuroprotective drug in the acute period of stroke – Cdk5 protein kinase.
01.07.2014Do sunscreens protect against cancer? Science and medicine do not yet have an unambiguous answer to this question.
01.07.2014Rockefeller University researchers have identified a compound capable of stopping the progression of Alzheimer's disease by blocking the process of blood clots formation triggered by beta-amyloid.
01.07.2014Independently shrinking copies of human hearts, whose diameter does not exceed 1 mm, will help in the development of methods for the treatment of myocardial hypertrophy.
01.07.2014Studying individual genomes turned out to be a much more difficult task than previously thought. The reason for this is the different rate of aging of the genome in different people and the aging of different genes within the same genome.
01.07.2014You can write to the editor at:
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