Biobusinessincubator in Dolgoprudny
The Biobusinessincubator will create corporate laboratories of cluster members, host the first startups, which will have to gain momentum by 2014 and become part of the biopharmaceutical corps.
18.05.2012The Biobusinessincubator will create corporate laboratories of cluster members, host the first startups, which will have to gain momentum by 2014 and become part of the biopharmaceutical corps.
18.05.2012A few hours after the introduction of DNA-coated nanoparticles that do not carry any payload, scientists were surprised to note an increase in the expression of an enzyme that "calms" the immune response of the body in rheumatoid arthritis.
18.05.2012The Forum "Pharmaceutical Production in Russia and the CIS", which will be held on September 18-20, 2012 in Moscow.
18.05.2012The reason why genetic diseases are becoming more common in the modern world is not only in the polluted environment. New, previously unseen mutations began to manifest only because there were more of us.
18.05.2012Applications for participation in the Summer School "Biotechnology of the Future", which will be held in the Moscow region from 5 to 12 August 2012, have been started. Students and postgraduates are invited to participate.
18.05.2012The 2006 Nobel Prize laureate Dr. Kornberg was in Siberia for the first time, as a member of the Advisory Scientific Council of the Skolkovo Foundation, whose visiting session is taking place these days in Novosibirsk.
18.05.2012In the bottom sediments of the North Pacific Ocean, microbiologists have found bacteria that live without access to nutrients for up to 86 million years. They manage to maintain life during this time due to an extremely slow metabolism.
18.05.2012A long-term study involving more than 400 thousand people has shown that several cups of coffee a day are noticeable (and reliable!) reduces the risk of death from heart disease, stroke and even infections.
18.05.2012According to consulting surgeon and diabetes specialist Charles Clark, author of more than 80 scientific articles and several books on healthy lifestyle and nutrition, these two measures are the worst choice for a middle-aged man.
17.05.2012Two elderly people, paralyzed for many years, were able to drink coffee with the help of a mechanical arm controlled by signals from the brain.
17.05.2012A personal medicine designed for a specific person is a myth. Personalized medicine focuses not on one patient or even hundreds of patients, but on subpopulations.
17.05.2012The FDA Advisory Commission unanimously approved the free sale of OraQuick test systems. At the same time, experts obliged the manufacturer to print a warning on the product packaging about possible errors in the diagnosis of HIV infection using OraQuick.
17.05.2012The drug crenezumab is an antibody specific to the beta-amyloid protein. Its clusters – amyloid plaques – are formed in the brains of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
17.05.2012The first attempt using genetic methods to induce the expression of telomerase in adult animal cells, an enzyme that restores the length of telomeres and thus slows down the "biological clock", was crowned with success.
16.05.2012At the end of April, the Russian Academy of Sciences hosted the international scientific conference "Genetics of Aging and Life Expectancy", where leading researchers from around the world met. Scientists discussed the problems of life extension.
16.05.2012Almost half a billion dollars were stolen from the state program of free medical care for the elderly.
15.05.2012In the clinic, the OraQuick test system determines the presence or absence of HIV infection with 99% accuracy. The accuracy of the test for self-use was 93%; according to the requirements of the FDA, this indicator should be at least 95%.
15.05.2012Research area: biophotonics, photomedicine, nanophotonics, nanotechnology, nonlinear optics, quantum optics, quantum computer science, laser physics, optoelectronics, etc.
15.05.2012The forum and exhibition "Health|Life – A Healthy lifestyle" (Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Exhibition Center, June 5-7, 2012) will allow companies working in the field of production and promotion of products and services to maintain and strengthen health, preserve beauty to demonstrate their achievements.
15.05.2012The exceptionally long lifespan of naked diggers may also be due to the peculiarities of cellular mechanisms for processing proteins damaged by free radicals.
14.05.2012You can write to the editor at:
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