For now – in a test tube
Before the first "hypoallergenic" cats are bred, many more studies and experiments will need to be carried out.
29.03.2022Before the first "hypoallergenic" cats are bred, many more studies and experiments will need to be carried out.
29.03.2022The most promising application of exoskeletons for medical and industrial purposes.
29.03.2022Russian and Italian scientists have developed a molecular clock that allows you to directly assess the age of immunity.
29.03.2022Analysis of the genome of the Christmas Island rat demonstrates the difficulties, and perhaps even the ridiculousness of attempts to revive extinct species.
28.03.2022Swiss scientists have developed a "nano-syringe" for jewelry-precise insertion of mitochondria into a living cell.
28.03.2022A vaccine based on spherical nucleic acid causes an order of magnitude stronger immune response than a simple mixture of components.
28.03.2022Cells of solid tumors with destroyed sugar coating become more vulnerable to CAR-T therapy.
28.03.2022A selective retinoic acid receptor inhibitor effectively and reversibly inhibits sperm maturation in mice.
25.03.2022Changes in enhancers are the driver for generating diversity, which is then supported or not supported by selection.
25.03.2022Preclinical studies have shown promising results that could be a breakthrough in the treatment of diabetes in humans
25.03.2022Dogs aged from one to three years were cured of chicken blindness. This increases the chances of successful treatment of adults.
25.03.2022A complete biosynthetic chain has been reproduced, which makes it possible to obtain D-lysergic acid from the culture of baker's yeast.
24.03.2022A fragment of "junk" DNA that does not encode any proteins may be the key to suppressing fear-related memories.
24.03.2022Excessive consumption of sugar and other carbohydrates over a long period of time increases the risk of developing autoimmune diseases.
24.03.2022Psychotherapy in combination with MDMA was effective even in complex cases of PTSD, against the background of alcohol or drug addiction.
24.03.2022With the help of fungi, the researchers transformed food waste into eco-friendly artificial leather, as well as paper and cotton substitutes.
24.03.2022It is useful for elderly people to regularly monitor and, if necessary, adjust the level of folic acid in the blood.
24.03.2022The worm-on-a–chip device is a potential non-invasive tool for diagnosing lung cancer at an early stage.
23.03.2022The virus never completely disappears from the body. Instead, it hides in about one in a million immune cells.
23.03.2022A man with the syndrome of a "completely locked person" was able to add words and phrases at a speed of about one character per minute.
23.03.2022You can write to the editor at:
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