Russian pharmaceutical industry: place bets!
What should the Russian pharmaceutical industry rely on: imported technologies or domestic innovative drugs?
03.06.2010What should the Russian pharmaceutical industry rely on: imported technologies or domestic innovative drugs?
03.06.2010Packaging of antitumor antibodies in porous particles made of chemically modified silicon oxide increases the effectiveness of their action on a malignant skin tumor – melanoma.
03.06.2010Special attention in the center is supposed to be paid to preclinical studies of nanosubstances, nanomedical preparations and nanovaccines for safety, effectiveness and compliance with technological parameters.
03.06.2010TV producer and TV presenter Kirill Nabutov will present his new documentary "The Golden Cage" on June 6 at 17.20 on Channel One.
03.06.2010Theoretically, the development of this work could lead to the creation of a DNA computer capable of working inside the body and, for example, regulating the release of drugs, releasing them only where necessary.
03.06.2010Anthony Atala, a man who grew a bladder from a patient's own cells for the first time in the world, tells and shows how a heart is printed on a printer and other organs are made for transplantation.
03.06.2010Cancer can now be detected 5 years before the appearance of tumors: a blood test is enough for this. The technology of early diagnosis of tumors will be introduced in the near future into widespread use in the USA and the UK.
02.06.2010The opportunity to revive the pharmaceutical industry has either already been missed, or it is about to happen. There is no need to invent a new one, because there is not enough strength – it is worth concentrating on revising the old one.
02.06.2010The amniotic membrane – the germ shell, which sometimes sticks to the body of children "born in a shirt", turned out to be another source of ethical, universal and sufficiently accessible stem cells.
02.06.2010The acceptance of applications for participation in the III International Competition of scientific works of young scientists in the field of nanotechnology has begun.
02.06.2010A draft law is being developed in which the concepts of "rare diseases", "orphan medicines" and "palliative care" will be prescribed. By September, registers of such patients should be formed and amendments on "orphan" drugs to the Federal Law "On the Circulation of Medicines" should be worked out.
02.06.2010The development of a method that allows the sequencing of the genome to read the sequence of nucleotides of an entire DNA molecule, rather than cut into fragments, may soon make reading an individual genome a routine procedure.
02.06.2010Benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma) – enlargement of the prostate gland is one of the most common urological diseases of elderly and elderly men.
01.06.2010Genetic tests will become a daily reality in Russia in 10-15 years. Russians will be defenseless against companies that have bet on genetic testing.
31.05.2010Man has managed to postpone his biological aging for a decade. In the future, humanity is waiting for further progress in increasing the limits of healthy life expectancy.
31.05.2010The ability to synthesize antibodies to the entire proteome of the human body will allow not only to study in detail the functioning of these proteins, but also to develop a huge number of new diagnostic tests.
31.05.2010"Ink" from nanotubes suspended in solution will be injected under the skin of the patient's hand in the form of a kind of tattoo. The concentration of glucose in the blood will be shown by a sensor similar to a wristwatch.
31.05.2010The introduction of a modified measles virus into the bed of a brain tumor after its surgical removal will destroy residual cancer cells, which will soften the regimes of postoperative chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
31.05.2010The new method of creating genetically modified rats provides huge advantages for the study of hereditary diseases and other biomedical research.
31.05.2010The developers are testing on animal models the possibility of retinal transplantation grown from human embryonic stem cells, and hope to conduct clinical trials.
28.05.2010You can write to the editor at:
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