"EurasiaBio" – in full!
The program of the II International Congress "EurasiaBio-2010" (Moscow, World Trade Center, April 13-15).
07.04.2010The program of the II International Congress "EurasiaBio-2010" (Moscow, World Trade Center, April 13-15).
07.04.2010We invite you to take part in the press conference "Bioeconomics in Russia - prospects and international cooperation" and the II International Congress–Exhibition "EurasiaBio-2010"!
07.04.2010A new textbook for high school students "Live Innovation: thinking of the XIX century" has already appeared in some schools – as part of an experiment.
07.04.2010Ten years after receiving the first results of complete sequencing of the human genome, researchers should make no less effort to apply the knowledge gained in clinical practice.
06.04.2010The Section of International Cooperation of the Regions of the Senatorial Club of the Federation Council holds the All-Russian competition "The Best investment project".
06.04.2010There are all possibilities to rid the country of "insulin dependence". Russia can fully provide a growing number of diabetics with high-quality and modern domestic insulin.
05.04.2010Thalidomide, once completely banned, has recently begun to return to the market, proving to be an effective remedy for the treatment of very serious diseases.
05.04.2010DNA diagnostics based on the complete decoding of the human genome will become available in practical healthcare, if not in our lifetime, then in the lifetime of our children. But is it necessary for an ordinary person to decode his genome and why?
05.04.2010The authors suppressed the expression of individual genes and observed how this would affect the process of cell division. They registered more than 19 million divisions, created about 190,000 video files and identified almost 600 genes that affect the process of mitosis.
02.04.2010American cardiologists are arguing whether statins should be prescribed for preventive purposes. Our doctors are not yet able to treat patients with atherosclerosis with high cholesterol with them.
02.04.2010For the development of innovation, the presence of science is a secondary factor. Science in modern Russia needs "to be" as a sign of a developed country.
02.04.2010The condition of the retinal rods in the mice of the experimental group improved, and the destruction of the cones was prevented, while the animals from the control groups continued to go blind. No side effects of using nanoparticles to deliver "healthy" genes were found.
02.04.2010If further studies confirm that the increased risk of breast cancer is indeed associated with long-term intake of vitamins, and not with some unaccounted factor, then this is a serious reason to reconsider the safety of such drugs, in particular, for postmenopausal women.
02.04.2010On April 8, 2010, Moscow will host the international scientific conference "The Fight against Aging. New perspectives in medicine".
01.04.2010Ben Goldacre's book "Deception in Science", published by Eksmo Publishing house, is called in English the same way as his website: "Pseudoscience", "Bad Science".
31.03.2010The on-line conference "Application of nanotechnology in medicine" was organized for its visitors by the editorial board of the Nanonews Network portal. Don't shoot the taper: he answered as best he could...
31.03.2010Reducing the miR-10b microRNA level with the help of antisense nucleotide sequences did not reduce the size of the primary tumor, but inhibited further metastasis.
30.03.2010If it is possible to prove the effectiveness of beta-blockers to prevent metastases in breast cancer, oncologists will receive an effective and safe drug.
30.03.2010The low efficiency of the implementation of the policy of innovative development has led to the activation of the process of "brain drain". In 2009, about 6,100 scientists and scientific specialists left Russia.
30.03.2010The issue includes several reviews describing the results of recent studies on various aspects of aging and the possibility of applying the results obtained to prevent age-related diseases and prolong human life and youth.
30.03.2010You can write to the editor at:
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