Tonometer with glasses
Microsoft's Glabella project is going to keep a finger on the pulse of patients using a tonometer built into the eyeglass frame.
04.09.2018Microsoft's Glabella project is going to keep a finger on the pulse of patients using a tonometer built into the eyeglass frame.
04.09.2018Biologists have edited the DNA of human embryos, ridding them of a severe hereditary disease – Marfan syndrome.
04.09.2018The new drug effectively slows down brain shrinkage in patients with multiple sclerosis.
03.09.2018Half of the inhabitants of the Swedish city of Sigtuna, who lived in the Viking age and whose remains were analyzed by researchers, turned out to be visitors.
03.09.2018The rats' body accepted the implant, and experiments with human tissue cells in vitro also show promising results.
03.09.2018Molecular biologists from the USA have received the first detailed three-dimensional map of the human genome.
03.09.2018Scientists have created a genetically modified strain of the virus that creates hollow nanoconstructions of balls and spikes out of gold.
03.09.2018Scientists have discovered a new "micro-organ" that provides the immune system's response to re-infection with an already known infection.
03.09.2018Genetic tests allow you to find out about your origin and find unknown or lost relatives.
03.09.2018What paleogeneticists have been saying for so long has happened. A hybrid of a Neanderthal and a Denisovan was found.
31.08.2018Enzymes of the intestinal microflora are able to remove agglutinogens from the surface of red blood cells, turning the blood of any group into the first.
31.08.2018Nanoparticles that emit reactive oxygen species under the influence of light kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
31.08.2018Italian researchers have created a screen in which the image is formed with the help of photosensitive bacteria and a projector.
31.08.2018Pathogens of one respiratory tract disease are used against the pathogen of another, similar ailment.
31.08.2018Apoptosis begins with the cell receiving a signal to start "suicide" and gradually covers the entire cell, destroying it.
31.08.2018The researchers were able not only to stop, but also to reverse the aging process – by returning human cells back to their "young" state.
30.08.2018Researchers from the USA have reported on a new method of restoring vision.
30.08.2018You can delay death by uploading a person's consciousness into a computer or by connecting the brain to an artificial neural network during life.
30.08.2018The pseudogene, which has returned to activity, provides increased resistance of elephants to the development of malignant tumors.
29.08.2018The first drug using RNA interference to "jam" the expression of certain genes has been approved in the USA.
29.08.2018You can write to the editor at:
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