Is there no way to get new lungs?
Lungs grown from human stem cells on collagen scaffolds work like real ones.
21.02.2018Lungs grown from human stem cells on collagen scaffolds work like real ones.
21.02.2018The neural network quite accurately calculates the risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases from the image of the fundus.
21.02.2018The DETECTR system can be used to quickly and accurately diagnose a variety of parameters in various biological samples.
20.02.2018Now people who have no signs of Alzheimer's disease can participate in clinical trials – only its biomarkers.
20.02.2018The capacity of the glucose power plant is 15-40 microwatts, but this is enough for a modern pacemaker.
20.02.2018The chance of getting an allele variant of the gene that increases the risk of early ovarian cancer from the father is twice as high as from the mother.
20.02.2018The new skin sensor determines the state of the body by a variety of indicators, from the composition of sweat to speech activity.
20.02.2018Now one out of 10,000 cells of a sheep embryo is human. Scientists plan to increase their number in chimeric embryos to 1%
19.02.2018The regulator of the activity of genes controlling cell division may become another target in the development of anti-aging methods.
19.02.2018Scientists from the Wake Institute of Regenerative Medicine have developed the most advanced mini-liver to date.
19.02.2018A maximum of 100 cells with built-in recorders are sufficient to record and read information about events occurring with a cell.
19.02.2018How naked monkeys (humans) are similar to naked diggers (mole rats), or why the monkey is descended from humans.
19.02.2018Ultra-sensitive test strips of the second generation have become four times faster and a hundred times more accurate than the previous ones.
19.02.2018Induced pluripotent stem cells can be used for the prevention of cancer.
19.02.2018The restoration of ribosomal RNA genes lost during division provides eternal youth to sperm stem cells.
19.02.2018A disposable toilet paper sensor allows you to register the pulse, blinking of the eye and other human movements.
19.02.2018A hybrid nanodevice has been created that completely simulates the blood-brain barrier of the brain.
16.02.2018The study of the mechanism of development of hereditary diseases made it possible to detect molecules that are toxic to cancer cells.
16.02.2018A new type of antibiotics isolated from soil bacteria is effective against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
16.02.2018Like any feeling, love has not only an emotionally experienced side, but also a neurophysiological one.
16.02.2018You can write to the editor at:
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