Scientists have created an artificial uterus for lambs
Developers from the Children's Hospital in Philadelphia expect that their system will help to qualitatively change the practice of caring for premature babies.
26.04.2017Developers from the Children's Hospital in Philadelphia expect that their system will help to qualitatively change the practice of caring for premature babies.
26.04.2017Mikhail Gelfand – about why humanity is losing the "arms race" with bacteria and why the rejection of antibiotics for a while will not destroy all "super-bacteria".
26.04.2017In experiments on mice, it was found that olfactory perception is individual and is caused by both genetic factors and environmental conditions.
25.04.2017The TIMP2 protein contained in the umbilical cord blood plasma increases the brain functionality and cognitive ability of mice.
25.04.2017Among the promises of scientists studying the increase in life expectancy are the health of 90-year-olds at the level of 50-year-olds, life up to 150 years and even the eternal biological age of 25 years.
25.04.2017At the beginning of April, the Open Longevity school was held in Montenegro. Perhaps the school will be the beginning of a long-term cooperation of people interested in this topic.
25.04.2017The founder of the medical and genetic center Genotek – about why people are afraid of genetic technologies, and how genetic discoveries can affect the life of society in the future.
25.04.2017Singapore researchers have concluded that repeated malignant neoplasms are associated with the spread of hydrogen peroxide among healthy cells.
24.04.2017For example, the love of chocolate was associated with certain variations in the nucleotide sequence of the OXTR gene encoding the oxytocin receptor.
24.04.2017Regulatory RNAs are often encoded in "junk" DNA – they do not carry information about proteins, but serve as a powerful tool for regulating genetic activity.
24.04.2017The new nanodetectors are able to stick to the surface of living cells without damaging them, and transmit information about their thermophysical properties.
21.04.2017Facebook employs more than 60 specialists from a wide variety of companies and organizations in this project, including Berkeley University, Johns Hopkins Hospital and others.
21.04.2017Molecular neurogeneticist David Rubinstein – about this hereditary disease and similar neurodegenerative diseases caused by protein aggregation.
21.04.2017Small colonial rodents have many unusual abilities. Another of them turned out to be a unique way of breathing for animals.
21.04.2017A patch of heart muscle cells formed with the help of three-dimensional bioprinting contributes to the restoration of damaged heart tissue after myocardial infarction.
19.04.2017After examining antimicrobial peptides of Indian frog mucus, immunologists have found a peptide that destroys drug-resistant strains of the influenza virus.
19.04.2017Increased Id1 protein synthesis reduces the ability of beige adipose tissue to burn calories when cooled. It is possible that this protein is not needed for the normal functioning of the body.
19.04.2017The immunodeficiency virus can hide not only in T cells, but also in macrophages, which will complicate the procedure of its expulsion from the body in the treatment of an old infection.
19.04.2017Intranasal administration of exosomes of mesenchymal stem cells reduces the severity of brain damage associated with epileptic status.
18.04.2017The National Academy of Medicine will allocate at least $25 million for awards for breakthroughs in research on healthy longevity and the fight against aging.
18.04.2017You can write to the editor at:
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