Antisense oligonucleotides against tau protein
The process of brain damage caused by exposure to a toxic variety of tau protein can not only be stopped, but also reversed to a certain extent.
10.02.2017The process of brain damage caused by exposure to a toxic variety of tau protein can not only be stopped, but also reversed to a certain extent.
10.02.2017In the future, porous protein crystals developed by Japanese bioengineers can be used, for example, for intracellular delivery of drugs or enzymes.
09.02.2017Biologists from ITEB RAS have found a way to slow down the aging of the body by restoring the normal operation of the "power stations" of cells with the help of the hormone melatonin.
09.02.2017At the University of California, it was possible for the first time to obtain somites from human iPSCs – formations from which bones, cartilage and skeletal muscles are formed in the embryo.
09.02.2017Chinese scientists have developed a new way to deliver DNA to animal and human cells. To do this, they use nanoparticles, called artificial viruses by the authors.
09.02.2017American scientists have found out how one of the DNA repair mechanisms works, which prevents mutations caused by ultraviolet radiation.
08.02.2017In some cases, astrocytes – assistants and protectors of neurons – become aggressive towards neurons and other cells of the nervous system.
08.02.2017American scientists have reported the success of testing the male contraceptive Vasalgel on monkeys. The report on the work is published in the journal Basic and Clinical Andrology.
07.02.2017A side effect of the antitumor drug being developed may lead to the appearance of a drug against heart failure as a result of a heart attack.
07.02.2017Australian neuroscientists have discovered that the substance kynurenin, derived from an essential amino acid, may be associated with the development of a severe form of multiple sclerosis.
07.02.2017The RIKEN Institute and the hospital at the Center for Advanced Medicine in the Japanese city of Kobe will begin selecting patients for experimental retinal transplantation operations.
07.02.2017Trying to resist the antibiotic, E. coli begins to multiply three times faster. The ability to accelerate growth persisted even after the antibiotic was removed from the nutrient medium.
07.02.2017Chinese scientists have proposed a mechanism that allows epigenetically regulating the balance between disease resistance and yield in transgenic rice.
06.02.2017In the experiment, one dose of an RNA vaccine developed by an international group of scientists provided mice and monkeys with long-term protection against infection with the virus.
06.02.2017Genetic evidence has been obtained that some peoples, in particular, representatives of the Ulchi people from the Amur region, have been living in one place for almost eight thousand years.
03.02.2017Researchers have tested a new technique to rejuvenate the body of mice. However, its use leads to the formation of tumors, from which rodents die.
03.02.2017The method of 3D printing of complex biological structures with different types of cells in a gel medium allows you to clearly observe their morphology, mechanical and chemical properties.
03.02.2017The new platelet delivery system for the destruction of micro-tumors remaining after surgery has been successfully tested on animals.
03.02.2017An international group of scientists has developed a system that allows patients with locked-in syndrome to answer "yes" or "no" to the questions asked.
02.02.2017Scientists from the USA reprogrammed skin cells so that they could fight a brain tumor. The first successful experiment was conducted on laboratory mice.
02.02.2017You can write to the editor at:
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