Osteoarthritis accelerates the development of Alzheimer's disease
Osteoarthritis is associated with more rapid accumulation of beta-amyloid and a higher degree of tau protein deposition in motor and somatosensory areas of the brain
14.07.2023Osteoarthritis is associated with more rapid accumulation of beta-amyloid and a higher degree of tau protein deposition in motor and somatosensory areas of the brain
14.07.2023Insufficient sleep duration has been shown to be associated with accelerated development of cognitive impairment
14.07.2023Smoking and alcohol abuse separately are known to increase the risk of complications after surgery
13.07.2023Caterpillar toxin can 'punch holes' in cancer cells
13.07.2023During pregnancy, the fetus uses a gene inherited from the father to "force" the mother's body to release as many nutrients as possible
12.07.2023Researchers have come up with a new way to fight aging and age-related diseases
12.07.2023Oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea and irregular menstrual cycles have been found to be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, including coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction
11.07.2023Anemia in women during pregnancy is a serious risk factor that increases the likelihood of bleeding after delivery
11.07.2023The risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and related dementia was higher in older people with fluctuating cholesterol and triglyceride levels
07.07.2023Researchers discover proprietary genetic editing system in eukaryotic cells
06.07.2023Previously, studies have shown how clotho protein expression increased cognitive function in mouse models; now the therapy has been tested in primates
06.07.2023Scientists from the U.S. and Italy investigated the effect of the diet of laboratory mice with breast cancer on the immune system
05.07.2023Cognitive abilities of adult rhesus macaques were improved with a single injection of the transmembrane protein clotho
05.07.2023Scientists synthesized molecules to restore proper functioning of the brain's protective barrier and prevent the development of neurological diseases
04.07.2023Atrial fibrillation increased the likelihood of cognitive impairment and its progression in women
04.07.2023A gene therapy delivery method has been created to treat congenital deafness in adult mice
03.07.2023American scientists conducted a study of artificially grown vessels based on different hydrogels
03.07.2023Researchers have developed a new microscopy method for detailed visualization of processes inside a living cell at the molecular level
30.06.2023Polyunsaturated fatty acids reduce the risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis progression
29.06.2023The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted accelerated approval for Sarepta's first gene therapy against Duchenne muscular dystrophy
28.06.2023You can write to the editor at:
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