The Ministry of Health took up the elderly
In 2016, a full-fledged medical and social service may appear in Russia, dealing with a complex of problems of elderly and not very healthy people.
06.10.2015In 2016, a full-fledged medical and social service may appear in Russia, dealing with a complex of problems of elderly and not very healthy people.
06.10.2015There is still a major problem between the discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells and saving the world from all ailments – methods of inducing pluripotency in cells.
06.10.2015Genomics is just the beginning: the total mass of all DNA on Earth is 50 billion tons. What will happen when we get our hands on the whole biocode?
06.10.2015About how mr. Shkreli acquired the rights to the drug daraprim and immediately raised the price for it 55 times and about the reaction of American society to this, from doctors and their patients to the presidential candidate.
05.10.2015Scientists have found a possible genetic and biological explanation for why some people often go into binge drinking – their fault may be special mutations in the ALDH1a1 gene responsible for the withdrawal of alcohol from the body.
05.10.2015M. Gelfand – about the "Dynasty", science and its popularization, the incompetence of some scientists and all lawmakers, the prohibition of GMOs, psychics, plagiarists of All-Russian scale, poorly flying rockets and much more.
05.10.2015This year, the award was awarded to American parasitologist William Campbell and Japanese microbiologist Satoshi Omura. The second half of the award will be given to the Chinese doctor Yu Tu.
05.10.2015While there are doubts about the safety of combining genomic DNA with arbitrary mitochondrial DNA, it is possible to select a donor with mtDNA of the same haplogroup as the recipient. British doctors are going to do just that.
05.10.2015MIT Professor Robert Langer on the ways of forming new tissues, polymer frameworks and the use of computer technology in biology.
02.10.2015The expression "nerve cells do not regenerate" is one of the leaders among the commonly used statements about the human brain, although its falsity has been proven for 20 years.
02.10.2015Out of 300 women who expressed a desire to participate in the project, 104 met all criteria. Only 10 of them will be able to participate in the first experiment.
02.10.2015On October 9-12, the international seminar "Molecular mechanisms of aging and age-related diseases" (Molecular mechanisms of aging and aging-related diseases) will be held at MIPT.
02.10.2015The director of the analytical department of the IC "Golden Hills – Capital AM" advises not to acquire firms of a low degree of reliability, but in time-tested securities of companies with a total value of shares over $ 100 billion.
02.10.2015The method developed by Russian and Israeli scientists is able not only to restore the function of proteins after temperature denaturation, but also to increase their initial activity almost twice.
02.10.2015In the fourth and final part of the article, the remaining pharmacological and some other methods aimed at slowing down the aging process are considered.
01.10.2015Genome editing technologies have led to the emergence of an unexpected by–product - tiny pigs, which the Chinese Institute of Genomic Research is going to sell as pets.
01.10.2015The most important result of 1000 Genomes Project is the compilation of a catalog of human gene variations and the analysis of methods and tools that can be used for further sequencing of the human genome. This catalog is completely free and is publicly available.
01.10.2015The essence of the project "Targeted design, synthesis and research of the biological activity of multi–target compounds as innovative drugs for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases" is to create multi-purpose drugs to combat Alzheimer's disease.
01.10.2015What information about the origin of a person can be extracted from the genome if modern methods of its analysis are used?
01.10.2015Chemists from Switzerland have developed a revolutionary dye that allows you to "highlight" DNA molecules in living cells without disturbing their vital functions, which will allow scientists to uncover many secrets of life.
01.10.2015You can write to the editor at:
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