Antitumor drugs in your first aid kit
An increasing amount of data suggests that widely used inexpensive drugs exhibit antitumor effects and can be used as part of complex cancer therapy.
11.07.2014An increasing amount of data suggests that widely used inexpensive drugs exhibit antitumor effects and can be used as part of complex cancer therapy.
11.07.2014Some cell phone users believe that it causes cancer, worsens overall health and can even cause a plane crash. Is this really the case?
11.07.2014The use of the most popular gene modification techniques does not increase the number of mutations occurring in stem cells.
11.07.2014Tibetans have rare alleles of this EPAS1 gene, which, among other things, increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. The same "Tibetan" alleles are found in the genome of the Denisov man.
11.07.2014According to the advertisement, the device with advanced multi-stage filtration technology based on "non-electric gravity" (!) removes 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, and the buyer receives "clean, safe and vegetarian water".
11.07.2014Chinyu and Camila became the founders of two lines of transgenic goats. They have already had offspring who have successfully inherited the ability to produce human protein important for hematopoiesis.
10.07.2014"If you had told me ten years ago that meditation would become one of the areas of my work, I would have decided that one of us is definitely crazy," Nobel laureate Elizabeth Blackburn told the New York Times in 2007.
10.07.2014Identification of the SOX10 transcription factor in human brain cells, which initiates the process of myelination of nerve fibers, brings scientists closer to the possibility of treating multiple sclerosis by transplanting brain cells synthesizing myelin to patients.
09.07.2014Thousands of hours spent playing a musical instrument will not necessarily make a new Paganini or Horowitz out of a student in the absence of a genetic predisposition.
09.07.2014The number of lost years of life in people with pathological obesity, depending on BMI, ranges from 6.5 to 13.7 years. The increased mortality in this group is mainly due to heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
09.07.2014European neurophysiologists are calling for a boycott of the largest computer brain modeling project, for which more than €1 billion will be allocated. They think it's a waste of money.
09.07.2014Restoration of the expression of microRNA-182 and microRNA-183 induced the formation of outer segments of photoreceptors in the retina grown from embryonic stem cells and restored the retina sensitivity to light.
08.07.2014All the statements underlying the boom in sales and prescriptions of testosterone-containing supplements have almost nothing to do with reality.
08.07.2014In the near future, a test for the content of 10 protein markers in the blood can be used for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.
08.07.2014A large-scale statistical study revealed the relationship between high blood cholesterol and a more than one and a half times increased risk of breast cancer.
08.07.2014Experimental stem cell therapy, even conducted under appropriate conditions by qualified specialists, can have unpredictable consequences.
08.07.2014People with "healthy obesity" and those with obesity should lead to metabolic disorders and type 2 diabetes differ in the level of the enzyme hemoxygenase-1, necessary for the development of metabolic syndrome.
08.07.2014Danish biologists have identified more than 500 previously unknown bacterial species in the human intestinal microflora, as well as about 800 new bacteriophages. So far, the genomes of only 200-300 microorganisms living in the intestine have been sequenced.
08.07.2014At least 200 applicants and 15 employer companies came to Biomedtech 2014, including the largest players in the Russian and global market of pharmaceuticals, biotechnologies, R&D in the field of biopharmaceuticals.
08.07.2014The human genome contains only one thousandth of the unique information that is responsible for his personal uniqueness. This information will fit on one ancient 3.5-inch floppy disk.
07.07.2014You can write to the editor at:
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