Once again about the benefits of circumcision
Male circumcision reduces the diversity of bacteria living on the skin of the penis, which may partly explain why this procedure reduces the risk of HIV infection.
18.04.2013Male circumcision reduces the diversity of bacteria living on the skin of the penis, which may partly explain why this procedure reduces the risk of HIV infection.
18.04.2013Scientists have managed to reprogram skin cells into oligodendrocyte progenitor cells that ensure the formation of the myelin sheath of nerve fibers, bypassing the stage of transformation of fibroblasts into induced pluripotent stem cells.
18.04.2013According to researchers from the University of California at Berkeley, stress can be beneficial. It all depends on the dose in which you received this attack.
17.04.2013As part of a phase I clinical trial, the introduction of collagenase into the posterior surface of the thighs after a day led to a 77% decrease in the severity of cellulite. In a few months, the developers of the method plan to start phase II.
17.04.2013Even moderate drinking increases the risk of breast cancer. On the other hand, moderate alcohol consumption increases the survival rate of patients after diagnosis. But it is necessary to start in advance, after – it is useless.
17.04.2013The creation of a medical cluster in St. Petersburg was announced in 2009, and since then they have been reporting annually on the successes and prospects of this undertaking, but there are so many pitfalls in pharmaceuticals that one association of manufacturers in a cluster cannot solve them.
17.04.2013The targeted delivery system of nanodiamond-based chemotherapy drugs increases the effectiveness of treatment and reduces the risk of side effects of treatment of triple-negative breast cancer characterized by particular aggressiveness.
17.04.2013American bioengineers have developed a technology for producing food starch from sawdust. So far, it costs $50,000 per kilogram, but scientists suggest reducing the cost of a portion of carbohydrates to 50 cents per person per day.
17.04.2013A new broad–spectrum antibiotic, active against "super-microbes" - microorganisms resistant to the action of other antibacterial agents, and not addictive to bacteria, has been successfully tested on animals.
17.04.2013According to the authors, "nanocubes" will be especially effective in case of emergency therapy for snake bites, when the poison is not exactly known, as well as for detoxification in case of virulent nosocomial infection.
17.04.2013According to the results of a study involving 320 young women, the constant wearing of a bra does not help to reduce back pain and weakens the muscles supporting the breast, which contributes to its sagging.
16.04.2013The creation of the first three-dimensional map of the telomerase enzyme molecule, which plays a crucial role in aging and cell malignancy, opens up new opportunities in the fight against various diseases.
16.04.2013The analysis of a vast array of data has refuted the widespread opinion that medications, vitamins, dietary supplements and physical activity slow down the age-related deterioration of cognitive function. The only effective means are mental exercises.
16.04.2013A microfluidic chip for separating a mixture of different cell types, based on easily distinguishable differences in their adhesive properties, can significantly increase the number of stem cells obtained by reprogramming.
16.04.2013Contrary to popular belief, type I interferons do not always help in the fight against viruses. In cases of pathogens prone to chronization, they contribute to the formation of persistent infections.
16.04.2013The rat test was successful: the kidney filters blood and produces urine. Although so far the bioengineering body is not up to the usual in terms of the quality of work.
15.04.2013The first case of pregnancy of a woman with a transplanted uterus in the history of medicine has been recorded. However, the final success can be reported in eight months…
15.04.2013Despite the increased life expectancy, according to the state of "metabolic health", modern adults are inferior to their peers from their parents' generation and even to those who were born just 10 years earlier.
15.04.2013A molecule with the classification number AGI-6780 has been named as a promising candidate for the role of a possible targeted (that is, directed against well-marked molecular targets) anticancer drug.
15.04.2013The Scripps Institute has found a link between the toxic effects of beta-amyloid and tau protein and warns against euphoria about metformin.
15.04.2013You can write to the editor at:
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