Brain chemicals make alcohol unpalatable to women
Neuropeptide protein makes alcohol bitter for women, researchers find
20.09.2023Neuropeptide protein makes alcohol bitter for women, researchers find
20.09.2023Researchers have figured out how the proteins that cause Parkinson's disease are distributed in the brain
11.09.2023Researchers have developed a method for early diagnosis of hearing loss based on eye movements
11.09.2023The study found that when oxygen levels are low, such as during a heart attack, red blood cells can activate a cardioprotective mechanism
05.09.2023Researchers from the University of Cambridge conducted a study to see if there is a common trait overweight people have in common with their brains
29.08.2023The model estimates the likelihood of developing dementia based on 11 factors
28.08.2023Analysis of medical data showed a correlation between the development of dementia and vaccination in older adults
18.08.2023Complex sugar molecules control the formation of perineuronal networks that surround neurons, helping to stabilize connections in the brain
17.08.2023In the Moscow region began to record the first cases of mushroom poisoning this year
16.08.2023The negative effects of the sun's UV rays have long been proven: they damage DNA in cells, cause inflammation and premature aging of the skin
10.08.2023Researchers observed for the first time that wheat gluten causes brain inflammation in mice
09.08.2023Researchers have identified a protein mechanism that influences cognitive decline with age
27.07.2023Perhaps additional research into this problem will find new tools to treat or reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia
26.07.2023Intelligence quotient (IQ) weeks or months after injury decreased by a statistically non-significant amount
25.07.2023People who have little social contact in old age may lose more in brain volume than those who continue to have an active social life
19.07.2023Researchers have identified a role for circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the prevention of early colorectal cancer in young adults under age 50
18.07.2023The incidence of cardiac adverse events did not increase with prolonged use of testosterone gel
Oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea and irregular menstrual cycles have been found to be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, including coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction
11.07.2023Anemia in women during pregnancy is a serious risk factor that increases the likelihood of bleeding after delivery
11.07.2023The risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and related dementia was higher in older people with fluctuating cholesterol and triglyceride levels
07.07.2023You can write to the editor at:
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