18 November 2015

There would be no happiness…

Ibuprofen was discovered with a hangover

However, it was discovered by chance – scientists were looking for an alternative to steroid drugs for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. The authors tried to create a new drug with a minimum of side effects.

In those years, researchers tested the compounds they developed not only on laboratory animals, but also on their own bodies. Now it is strictly forbidden. Stewart Adams and his colleagues had to test more than 600 compounds that were created during 10 years of work at the pharmaceutical company Boots Pure Drug Company Ltd.

It was Adams who tested Ibuprofen on himself. He says that one day he had to give a speech. However, the day before he was at a friendly party and therefore in the morning he was tormented by a hangover and a terrible headache. He took 600 mg of a substance created by him and his colleagues. Very soon the hangover passed, and the headache subsided – the new remedy turned out to be incredibly effective.

2-(4-isobutylphenyl)-propionic acid successfully passed clinical trials in 1966, and a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug called ibuprofen was approved for use in the UK.

Today, 20,000 tons of ibuprofen are produced annually in the world, which has both analgesic and antipyretic properties.

Adams Stewart, who is now 92 years old, received an honorary doctorate from the University of Nottingham in mid-November 2015.

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