06 October 2017

MP against homeopaths

A bill on changing the advertising of homeopathic remedies has been submitted to the State Duma

GMP News

On October 4, Bill No. 277552-7 was submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, which states the restriction of advertising of homeopathic medicines, as well as the application of the inscription on the secondary (consumer) packaging of homeopathic medicines: "Homeopathic. It does not have clinically proven medicinal properties." The document was submitted by a MEMBER of the Federation Council A.V. Belyakov.

This draft law proposes to establish that advertising of homeopathic medicines is not allowed except at the venues of medical or pharmaceutical exhibitions, seminars, conferences and other similar events and in specialized printed publications intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers. Additionally, the draft federal law amends the Federal Law "On the Circulation of Medicines", according to which a warning label should be applied to the secondary (consumer) packaging of homeopathic medicines stating that the drug does not have clinically proven medicinal properties.

The explanation to the bill says that with the apparent harmlessness of homeopathic medicines, they carry special risks to the patient's health, up to a fatal outcome. Having no pronounced and, most importantly, proven therapeutic effect, homeopathic remedies, attracting by their "naturalness", often replace the real treatment of quite serious diseases. A misled buyer, carrying out self-treatment with such drugs, risks missing time to provide timely assistance to the body and only aggravate his condition.

Recall that in February 2017, the RAS Commission on Combating Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research adopted Memorandum No. 2 "On the pseudoscience of homeopathy". The document states that "numerous proposed theoretical explanations of the possible mechanisms of action of homeopathy are in contradiction with firmly established scientific ideas about the structure of matter, the structure of living organisms and the functioning of medicines."

On September 20, 2017, the Scientific Advisory Council of the European Academies of Science Advisory Council (EASAC), which represents 29 national and international scientific academies of Europe, adopted a statement in which homeopathy was called "meaningless". The statement warns that "the promotion and use of homeopathic products carry the risk of significant harm." EASAC experts claim that homeopathic remedies are dangerous because because of them, patients postpone treatment with proven, effective medicines.

A number of European states have already begun an active struggle against the use of homeopathic medicines in state programs funded from the budget. So, in 2017, after several years of research work, the National Health Service of Great Britain (NHS) informed about the termination of public procurement of homeopathic remedies.

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