27 April 2015

The smallest donor

Surgeons in the UK transplanted the kidneys of a newborn to an adult

Copper news

In the UK, doctors in April 2014 transplanted Teddy Houlston's kidneys to an adult, who lived only 100 minutes after birth due to a congenital defect. The Daily Mirror writes about this: The youngest ever organ donor saved a stranger's life just moments after being born.

Mike Houlston and Jess Evans, the parents of Teddy Houlston and his twin brother, who was born healthy, told their story a year after the transplant. They hope that other parents in the same situation will follow their example.

Mike and Jess knew Teddy wouldn't survive. The expectant mother learned at the 13th week of pregnancy that anencephaly was found in one of the twins - an intrauterine defect in which the embryo partially or completely lacks the large hemispheres of the brain and the bones of the cranial vault.

The parents decided not to have an abortion and donate Teddy's organs for transplantation. Initially, the doctors refused the operation, saying that the newborn's organs were too small, and that it was impossible to donate a child with anencephaly at all.

Nevertheless, the parents insisted, and the doctors had to look for a recipient for a donor, although usually the opposite happens. As a result, a suitable candidate was found.

Noah was born first –a healthy boy–and half an hour later Teddy was born. He died about 100 minutes after birth.

During the operation, the baby's kidneys, about 3.8 centimeters in size, and heart valves were removed.After 20 hours, the kidneys were transplanted to a recipient with renal insufficiency. As the doctors explained, he now has four kidneys, two of which – patients – can later be removed. A year after the organ transplant, the patient is healthy and feels well, doctors assured.

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