Do you need vitamins?
A review of the evidence on the feasibility of using vitamin and mineral supplements has been published by the journal JAMA.
14.02.2018A review of the evidence on the feasibility of using vitamin and mineral supplements has been published by the journal JAMA.
14.02.2018The list included features of the menstrual cycle, taking certain contraceptives and pregnancy complications.
09.02.2018Even carriers of the ApoE e4 gene variant that has Alzheimer's disease, who are less worried about their age, are less likely to suffer from dementia.
08.02.2018Lung function in people who were engaged in sports improved over the years, despite the bad habit.
07.02.2018Dietary supplements with omega-3 fatty acids do not prevent heart disease and almost do not reduce mortality from them.
06.02.2018A small concentration of ethanol in the brain reduces inflammation and helps to remove waste from neurons, including tau proteins.
06.02.2018Caloric restriction of the diet has prolonged the life of many animals, from yeast and worms to mice and monkeys. What about people?
06.02.2018In any case, before making any changes to your metabolism, you need to consult a doctor.
05.02.2018E-cigarette aerosols damage DNA in the cells of the lungs, heart and other tissues.
30.01.2018An extra 5 kg of fat increases the risk of developing severe forms of breast cancer by 35% even with a normal body mass index.
30.01.2018The use of 100% fruit juices, even very sweet ones, does not have any significant effects on insulin and glucose indicators.
23.01.2018Surgical treatment reduces the risk of death by 2 times compared to the fight against obesity with the help of diet and lifestyle changes.
18.01.2018Excessive salt intake provokes changes in the immune system in the intestine, which entail degradation of cognitive functions.
17.01.2018Data from surveys involving 216,314 people showed that more than 60% of people who have ever tried smoking become smokers.
15.01.2018Parkinson's disease is divided into several stages depending on the severity of symptoms.
11.01.2018The hormone imbalance caused by it in the male body can reduce libido, affect muscle mass and fertility.
11.01.2018Dermatologists from Northwestern University in Illinois have found a way to rejuvenate the face without the help of cosmetics and plastic surgeons.
11.01.2018Bones are the unsung heroes of anatomy. Usually little attention is paid to their study, although they perform a number of vital functions.
10.01.2018Prostate cancer, if left untreated, progresses rapidly and spreads throughout the body.
10.01.2018The skin is a complex organ with a wide range of vital functions: from protecting the body from infections to maintaining a constant temperature.
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