20 May 2011

Are zombies knocking on your door? Don't worry, be prepared!

Epidemiologists have prepared Americans for a zombie attackCopper news
Epidemiologists gave Americans a number of tips regarding actions in case of zombie attacks (Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse).

The corresponding guide to survival in an extreme situation was published on the blog of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

According to the manual, in case of a zombie attack at home, you need to have an emergency kit. The Americans were advised to include a supply of drinking water (about 4 liters per day per person), medicines, wound treatments, dressings, personal hygiene items, clothing, tools, duct tape, a portable radio and a supply of batteries for it, as well as copies of identity documents.

Residents of the United States were also advised to develop an action plan in case of a zombie attack. According to CDC experts, it should indicate a safe place where family members can meet if zombies enter their home. The plan should also describe the various ways in which it will be possible to leave the attacked area.

In addition, Americans were advised to write down the contact numbers of medical and fire services, police, as well as relatives living in other cities and states.

The CDC leadership used the scenario of a hypothetical zombie attack to draw the attention of Americans to a universal plan of action in case of various emergencies.
(Highlighted specifically for the unintelligent – VM.)

The ministry's message repeatedly emphasizes that all the listed instructions are valid in case of epidemics, natural disasters and man-made disasters.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru20.05.2011

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