24 June 2021

Dangerous Pills

Hormonal contraceptives affected the development of glaucoma

Olga Ivanova, Naked Science

Hormonal contraceptives have long been considered quite harmful to the female body, which is partly true. However, some studies show that they help prevent ovarian cancer, and in the long term.

Scientists from the University of British Columbia, McGill (Canada) and the Department of Epidemiology of the Tehran University of Medical Sciences (Iran) analyzed a retrospective cohort study using data from electronic medical records of almost five million women. The study in question took place from 2008 to 2018. The age of the women ranged from 15 to 45 years.

It turned out that women who regularly took hormonal contraceptives had an increased risk of developing glaucoma compared to those who did not take them. In addition, the same risk was found in the study participants who had taken similar contraceptives in the past. The more often they used these drugs, the more likely they were to get sick.

Women who protected themselves in this way were sick twice as often as representatives of the fair sex who protected themselves in another way. The authors recommend that women visit an ophthalmologist in a timely manner and not waste time at the first signs of the disease.

The work of Hogden et al. The association between hormonal contraceptive use and glaucoma in women of reproductive age is published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 

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