19 November 2014

If you want to be slim, don't work at night

Working the night shift doubles the risk of obesity

Copper newsAmerican researchers have concluded that people working the night shift are about twice as likely to be obese.

The results of this work are published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (McHill et al., Impact of circadian misalignment on energy metabolism during simulated nightshift work; the press release Working the night shift burns less energy and increases risk of weight gain can be read on the website of the University of Colorado Boulder - VM).

Scientists from the University of Colorado conducted an experiment with 15 volunteers. In the first two weeks, they led a normal lifestyle – they ate during the day and slept at night. Then they started working a three-day shift. The number of calories in their diet remained the same, only the time of their consumption changed. As a result, fats were burned more slowly and, consequently, weight was gained faster.

According to the main author of the study Kenneth Wright, shift work goes against the fundamental biology of the human body.

The main problem is that at night the metabolism differs from the daytime. At night, the body needs more carbohydrates to maintain its performance. However, along with carbohydrates, fats and proteins still enter the body, which leads to weight gain. In addition, most often, night work does not involve heavy physical exertion, and a sedentary lifestyle also contributes to obesity.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru19.11.2014

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