We sit and lose weight
The technique, called push-up of the flounder muscle, allows you to significantly speed up metabolism with minimal physical effort.
18.10.2022The technique, called push-up of the flounder muscle, allows you to significantly speed up metabolism with minimal physical effort.
18.10.2022Statins manage to inhibit vascular damage, but they, like all drugs, may have their drawbacks.
11.10.2022The concentration of omega-3 in the body is associated with structural changes in the hippocampus and the level of cognitive functions.
07.10.2022Switching from conventional cigarettes to nicotine-containing electronic cigarettes can significantly reduce the health risks for smokers.
05.10.2022Losing weight can bring long-term health benefits to obese people, but for skinny people, trying to lose weight can be dangerous.
29.09.2022Flu vaccinations, in addition to protecting against the virus, reduce the risk of complications – cardiovascular diseases, strokes and heart attacks.
23.09.2022Silicon compounds in drinking water or dietary supplements can cause systemic inflammation and premature aging.
22.09.2022The "owls" have decreased sensitivity to insulin and all related metabolic disorders, from diabetes to heart disease.
21.09.2022At the Congress of the European Respiratory Society, scientists presented several studies concerning obstructive sleep apnea.
16.09.2022Researchers found significant cognitive benefits in older adults who took multivitamin-mineral supplements daily.
15.09.2022The experiment simulated a night shift schedule, but half of the participants continued to eat only during the daytime, while others ate at night too.
14.09.2022Nutritionists allowed not to give dinner to the enemy: the number of kilograms dropped does not depend on the distribution of calories during the day.
12.09.2022A new study has shown that artificial sweeteners can lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases.
09.09.2022Stable low wages are associated with faster memory deterioration in later life.
08.09.2022Men with osteoporosis and bone fractures are more likely to have cardiovascular diseases.
08.09.2022A complete switch to an alternative to traditional cigarettes significantly reduces the harm from smoking.
05.09.2022Physical activity and sedentary lifestyle affect life expectancy more than genes associated with longevity.
05.09.2022Let's figure out with the help of scientific research what biohacking is and what proven working tools for pumping yourself exist today.
01.09.2022After the ban on industrially produced trans fats in food, the number of deaths from coronary heart disease in Denmark decreased by about 11%.
01.09.2022Using a computer at the age of 60-69 reduces the risk of dementia by 15 percent, and watching TV increases it by 24 percent.
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