One glass at a time, a small one at a time…
The authors of the new work have shown that chronic daily alcohol consumption in terms of the development of cravings for alcohol is about as dangerous as binge drinking.
06.07.2017The authors of the new work have shown that chronic daily alcohol consumption in terms of the development of cravings for alcohol is about as dangerous as binge drinking.
06.07.2017Proton pump inhibitors, drugs sold without a prescription in any pharmacy, can be deadly. Especially if you take them for a long time.
06.07.2017Soon beer lovers may have an excuse to their wife: they say, I didn't want to drink, but what to do is necessary for health, I had to force myself.
03.07.2017A high IQ in childhood and adolescence is associated with a longer life expectancy and a lower probability of dying from cancer, heart disease and neurodegenerative diseases.
29.06.2017Neuropsychologist Barbara Sahakyan – about the advantages and dangers of using "drugs for the mind", improving memory and increasing motivation.
27.06.2017Is it possible without medical education to quickly recognize the signs of the onset of a stroke in an outsider? Can. For this, there is a mnemonic rule BLOW.
23.06.2017The probability of a breast tumor may be higher or lower depending on a person's age, family history, and the location of mutations in oncogenes.
22.06.2017The daily presence of extra virgin olive oil in the diet protected the brains of experimental mice from the development of Alzheimer's disease.
22.06.2017The risk of birth defects with an overweight mother in the early stages of pregnancy increases in proportion to the weight gain.
16.06.2017The chances of dying for those who ate fried potatoes two or more times a week are twice as high as for those who avoided eating chips, French fries and similar products.
15.06.2017Taking low-dose aspirin daily to prevent blood clots can be harmful and even deadly for some patients.
15.06.2017Everyone has heard about cancer one way or another. Someone saw messages on social networks, someone helped relatives and friends to survive this disease, and someone came face to face with it.
15.06.2017A new microfluidic sensor has shown that nicotine-containing vaporizers may have increased genotoxicity compared to conventional cigarettes.
14.06.2017Kanagliflozin reduces blood glucose levels in diabetics, significantly reduces the risk of developing heart and kidney diseases and ... doubles the risk of amputation.
14.06.2017Eating fatty and high-calorie foods accelerates the development of Alzheimer's disease and increases the likelihood of its occurrence in carriers of a dangerous variant of the APOE gene.
14.06.2017Experts from Beijing Metropolitan Medical University confirmed the hypothesis of the "obesity paradox" on the largest sample of patients with diabetes mellitus.
13.06.2017The number of inhabitants of the Earth with extra kilograms by 2025 will reach 2.7 billion. The proportion of overweight people will be about 46%, and with extreme forms of obesity – 17%.
13.06.2017Diets are necessary for people suffering from certain diseases. And those who want to lose weight do not need diets, but a therapist's consultation and a proper diet.
13.06.2017Researchers from the University of Alberta have shown that the vast majority of home sphygmomanometers do not provide the necessary measurement accuracy.
09.06.2017The use of even small portions of alcohol, corresponding to one bottle of beer per week, leads to atrophy of the memory center in the brain and to deterioration of its work in general.
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