About flu vaccines and medicines
Vasily Vlasov: "... all medicines are harmful and some are beneficial when used correctly. The same goes for vaccines."
27.10.2015Vasily Vlasov: "... all medicines are harmful and some are beneficial when used correctly. The same goes for vaccines."
27.10.2015Various errors in the diagnosis of cancer, according to independent experts, occur in almost 40% of cases. As a result – incorrectly chosen treatment tactics and a sad result.
16.10.2015It is possible that an increase in the life expectancy of women with heart failure and a moderately elevated body mass index is due to the fact that they need more fatty acids for the heart to work.
09.10.2015Recently, an increasing number of people are turning to laboratories in order to pass tests for cancer markers. Why do we need such tests? How complete information do they give? And what exactly are cancer markers?
30.09.2015Do you think that you have to expose your body to daily physical exertion in order to keep your youth longer? Do you hope that daily jogging will save you from a heart attack? Numerous modern studies dispute this point of view.
28.09.2015The active ingredients of prescription drugs for erectile dysfunction were found in 80% of the "natural" products studied. In some samples, the dosage was even higher than in tablets.
23.09.2015Antibacterial soap with triclosan turned out to be no more effective in the fight against microbes than usual.
21.09.2015Prolonged sitting causes non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This term combines a number of liver disorders, including cirrhosis and fibrosis, which develop in people who do not abuse alcoholic beverages.
17.09.2015According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Truvada can reduce the risk of HIV infection by 92%. The drug does not protect against other sexually transmitted diseases.
16.09.2015A new discovery by British scientists (TM) will reduce the number of calories consumed by 16% in the UK and by 29% in the USA. An article with sensational recommendations has been published in a very reputable magazine – we recommend it!
16.09.2015The American Working Group on Preventive Measures has released a draft of new recommendations regarding aspirin intake.
16.09.2015We can say that we are completely indifferent to our microflora, it lives its own life. But for us, these microbes are extremely important.
09.09.2015A new study confirms the "hygienic hypothesis": Belgian scientists have found out why children who grew up in the countryside suffer less from asthma and some types of allergies than urban children.
04.09.2015Some strategies for treating autoimmune diseases can be quite successful, but their side effects are unpleasant and sometimes dangerous. Many developments never reach the stage of clinical research.
04.09.2015A low-calorie diet observed for two years does not affect metabolism, but reduces the values of indicators of risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases.
04.09.2015Too long a working week can have truly disastrous consequences for human health, repeatedly increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and often leading to premature death.
31.08.2015The Council on Public Health and Demographic Problems, with the support of the National Health League, presented the book "Prevention of Aging for All".
28.08.2015As with most other diseases, certain DNA features can affect the predisposition to the development of autoimmune diseases.
27.08.2015When the immune system rebels against its own body and its cells cause an immune response instead of pathogens, this is called an autoimmune disease.
08.08.2015Aging and bad habits weaken the body and allow cancer to win over healthy tissues – this, and not gene mutations, is the main cause of the formation of malignant tumors.
24.07.2015You can write to the editor at:
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