14 July 2022

You will be cured!

Types of cancer that are successfully treated almost always

Anton Brindley, Marina Solodovnikova, Милосердие.ги

Not all types of cancer are now a death sentence, and the first weapon against the disease is awareness. We understand which types of cancer are treated successfully, provided timely diagnosis and intervention.

First, however, let's clarify what exactly is considered a successful treatment and how long people with cured cancer live.

Remission is temporary and complete

Although cases of complete elimination of cancer are not uncommon, oncologists prefer not to use the word "recovery", but talk about remission. Remission is a condition when, after treatment, the patient has no symptoms of cancer.

Remission can last any time – from a few days to months or years. If after some time the symptoms of cancer return, it means that the remission was temporary.

It happens that during the treatment the tumor does not go away, but it is significantly reduced. This remission is called partial.

And finally, there is a complete remission. Its most important indicator in medicine is the five-year survival rate of patients from the moment of diagnosis. To compare different types of cancer in terms of danger to life, this indicator is used.

Medical statistics show that if the cancer has not returned within five years, it usually means that the patient is likely to continue to live without cancer.

Breast cancer. Five–year survival rate - 99-100%

Breast cancer, being the most frequent type of cancer among women in developed countries, is curable in the vast majority of cases with early diagnosis.

Breast cancer is most often not accompanied by pain, so every adult woman should monthly self-palpation of the mammary glands for the detection of seals and once a year visit a gynecologist who will make an initial examination and, if necessary, refer to a mammologist.

Women aged 50+ who have a significantly higher risk of breast cancer than younger women should have an annual mammogram.

If a young woman has close relatives who have had oncological diseases, she needs to closely monitor the condition of the mammary glands and be monitored by a mammologist.

Cervical cancer. Five–year survival rate with timely diagnosis - 93%

This type of cancer is much less common than breast cancer. Its timely detection is the key to successful treatment, which is why regular visits to a gynecologist for women of all ages are so important.

The main sign of cervical cancer is various kinds of vaginal discharge, both bloody and transparent, or with pus content.

Currently, doctors recommend that young women be vaccinated against papillomavirus, which is considered one of the main causes of this type of cancer.

Skin cancer. Five–year survival rate - 91.7%

Its three most common types are basal cell carcinoma (basal cell carcinoma developing from basal cells of the skin epithelium), squamous cell carcinoma (squamous cell carcinoma) and melanoma. The first two are not dangerous, unlike melanoma, which is much less common than they are. Through lymph and blood, it can metastasize to almost all tissues and organs.

With early detection, a large number of skin melanomas can be treated with surgical methods.

In order to consult a doctor in time, it is important to know the signs of the disease. You need to pay attention to moles or dark spots on the skin that change size, shape or color within a few weeks or months. Signs of malignant formation may be:

– Asymmetry – the two halves of the mole look different;
– The shape of the mole is incorrect, the borders are fuzzy, uneven, blurred.
– The color is uneven, has two or more shades.
– The size of the mole is more than 6 millimeters in diameter.
– An excrescence, a sore, a pimple that does not heal.
– Bleeding or peeling mole.
– Itching in the area of the mole, hair loss from its surface.

Summarizing, we can say: whatever skin changes you are concerned about, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Prostate cancer. The five–year survival rate is about 99%

This is one of the most common types of cancer in men. The disease can be asymptomatic, therefore, elderly men should be regularly shown to a urologist, who may suspect a neoplasm in the prostate gland and prescribe appropriate diagnostic tests.

At the same time, this type of cancer almost does not grow, or grows very slowly, so it is not particularly dangerous to health in principle.

According to experts, men very rarely die from this type of cancer, and very often it is found after death from another cause at autopsy.

Testicular cancer. Five–year survival rate - 95.1%

Unlike prostate cancer, which is more common in older men, testicular cancer affects men aged 15 and over, and the average age of patients is 40. Signs of the disease are testicular enlargement, its densification, pain in the scrotum or lower abdomen. Pain, however, is not mandatory, so the most important measure of early diagnosis is self–examination. A man should examine and palpate the scrotum monthly and, if in doubt, consult a doctor who conducts a comprehensive diagnosis.

The main method of treating testicular cancer is surgery to remove it. The surgical method is usually used in combination with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In case of timely treatment, testicular cancer can be overcome.

Colorectal cancer. The five–year survival rate is about 60%

Colorectal cancer is also curable, that is, cancer of the colon and rectum. It affects, as a rule, people over the age of 40, in 85% of cases – after 65. Treatment is successful, but only if the disease is detected in a timely manner, so it is very important to know its symptoms. It is necessary to consult a doctor if the following violations have been observed for several weeks:

– The stool contains dark-colored blood inclusions.
– Diarrhea or constipation.
– After defecation, there is a feeling of an empty bowel.
– Pain or discomfort in the abdomen.
– Unexplained weight loss.
– Fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath (caused by anemia as a result of microscopic bleeding in the intestine).

Unfortunately, the early stage of cancer does not always give pronounced symptoms, and therefore after 50 years it is necessary to plan a colon examination. For those who have close relatives with diagnosed polyps or colon cancer, it is better to undergo an examination at the age of 40.

The main method of treating colorectal cancer is surgery. Early intervention gives a high chance of full recovery of health – 90%, but this chance is reduced to 50% or less if cancer is diagnosed at late stages.

Hodgkin's lymphoma. Five–year survival rate - 90% at stage I and II

This disease is also called lymphogranulomatosis or Hodgkin's disease, which is a tumor disease of the lymphatic system. It affects people of any age, including children.

In the early stages, Hodgkin's lymphoma has no specific signs, and its first manifestation is usually an enlargement of the lymph nodes. In 60-75% of cases, the process begins in the cervical-supraclavicular lymph nodes.

Starting in the lymph nodes, the pathological process can spread to almost all organs, accompanied by variously pronounced symptoms of intoxication. The predominant lesion of an organ or system determines the clinical picture of the disease.

The main and almost the only diagnostic procedure is a biopsy of the affected lymph node, and therefore there are many cases when it is diagnosed already at advanced stages. And yet, even for them, the prognosis is favorable, since Hodgkin's lymphoma lends itself well to radiation therapy (which, unfortunately, cannot be said about other types of lymphoma).

Thyroid cancer. Five–year survival rate - 98% (depending on the type of tissue

The most common type of thyroid cancer is papillary cancer, which grows very slowly, but even if the tumor is large in size and begins to grow into neighboring tissues, removal of the gland is often very successful.

After removal of the thyroid gland, patients take preparations of hormones produced by the gland, so that the organs dependent on these hormones continue to function normally.

Currently, thyroid cancer is easily diagnosed using modern imaging techniques, for example, ultrasound, so treatment usually begins on time.


What are the most curable cancers?5 Curable Cancers
Can Cancer Be Cured?
Which Cancers are Most Survivable and Why?

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