11 November 2015

A new genetically determined deadly disease

Aging will be called a disease in the ICD-11 of 2018

US gerontologists have decided to equate the aging process with a disease and include it in the new edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), which is being released by WHO in 2018. The publication of scientists from Insilco Medicine Corporation in the journal Frontiers in Genetics (Alex Zhavoronkov and Bhupinder Bhullar, Classifying aging as a disease in the context of ICD-11, in open access – VM) reviewed the practice of classifying diseases that began with the publication of William Cullen's Nosolagae Methodicae in 1769. Gerontologists and geneticists insist on a new precedent for ICD-11 – a genetically determined disease called "aging".

Despite the existing differences among demographers, gerontologists and biogerontologists on this issue, the classification of aging as a disease will unite scientists and practitioners. Their goal should be to prevent age-related pathological processes and to attract resources for the study of the disease of aging.

"Aging is a multifactorial complex process that leads to loss of organ function and a number of diseases. Recognizing aging as a disease will shift the focus of biomedicine from treatment to prevention. Classifying aging as an ICD disease will force pharmaceutical companies to develop drugs to prevent the disease. Such a preventive approach will reduce the financial burden of health insurance and increase the active age of a person, improving the economy of states," said Professor Alex Zhavoronkov, head of Insilico Medicine Corporation. 

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