Scientists have discovered what allows a person to navigate in space
A special mechanism of brain activity helps people orient themselves in space, the exact localization of which was determined by experts from Germany and the UK
08.05.2024A special mechanism of brain activity helps people orient themselves in space, the exact localization of which was determined by experts from Germany and the UK
08.05.2024Currently, it is recommended that all people over the age of 45 without a family history of the disease undergo a colonoscopy every 10 years to screen for colorectal cancer
07.05.2024According to U.S. scientists, past lead exposure continues to affect the health and well-being of our contemporaries in ways we do not yet fully understand
07.05.2024French scientists conducted a population-based cohort study and concluded that the use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) does not affect the risk of cancer in children born using them
07.05.2024A longitudinal cohort study of US doctors found that people with a high intake of plant-based foods had a lower risk of prostate cancer progression compared to those who consumed very little plant-based foods
07.05.2024US health professionals examined data from a nationwide sample and analyses of biosamples of teenagers to find an association between frequency of e-cigarette smoking and levels of metals in urine
06.05.2024A retrospective cohort study found that adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have higher rates of self-harm, anxiety, depressive disorders, and substance use disorders
06.05.2024A large-scale study has shown that, depending on diet, a person may have an increased or decreased chance of having one type of stroke, rather than any type of this pathology
06.05.2024Excessive daytime sleep has been shown to be capable of leading to the progression of senile dementia
06.05.2024Archaeologists from the United States have concluded that Native Americans began smoking or chewing tobacco more than 12,000 years ago, that is, nine thousand years earlier than thought
03.05.2024For the experiment, the results of which were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, they recruited healthy and slim young people of both sexes - 16 women and 12 men
03.05.2024U.S. researchers reported success in a phase II multicenter, open-label, multicenter clinical trial of gene therapy for refractory (non-drug-resistant) angina pectoris
03.05.2024Scientists conclude that such chemoprophylaxis can be considered as an alternative to vaccines and other biological protection regimens against malaria
03.05.2024An experiment by US scientists showed that provoked anger reduces the degree of vascular dilation - vasodilation - due to abnormalities in endothelial cells
02.05.2024American scientists conducted a population-based study and found that central obesity is associated with an increased risk of incontinence and serves as a more reliable predictor of this condition than body mass index (BMI)
02.05.2024Muscle atrophy, bone demineralization, and respiratory disorders are all the result of prolonged exposure to the low gravity that future colonizers of the Moon will encounter
02.05.2024This is important because there is still no medication for cannabinoid addiction that is effective and approved by the authorities
01.05.2024The ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrate in the diet of male mice affected male and female calves differently
01.05.2024Scottish scientists conducted a population-based study and concluded that electroconvulsive therapy is effective and reasonably safe for a variety of mental illnesses
01.05.2024The authors of a new study advise people who suddenly become addicted to alcohol late in life to see a neurologist and get checked for neurodegenerative diseases
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