It helps with malaria, but it doesn't help with COVID-19.
The FDA has revoked the authorization for the use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in coronavirus pneumonia.
18.06.2020The FDA has revoked the authorization for the use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in coronavirus pneumonia.
18.06.2020A doctor supervising several prosthesis carriers at once can remotely monitor the condition of the prosthesis and upload firmware into it.
11.10.2019In Japan, at the age of 21 years and three months, the world's first cow that appeared as a result of cloning died.
10.10.2019Hybrid embryos were close to human in shape and frequency of cell division, and their nuclei contain human DNA. At the same time, the vast majority of genes regulating the processes of development and differentiation of embryonic cells in the early stages of development did not function in chimeric embryos.
04.02.2009In particular, a 35-year-old employee with a higher education has better health indicators compared to his coeval worker. As a result, representatives of the first category live on average six years longer.
04.02.2008The risk of stroke in men under 50 who smoked at least two packs a day was almost five times higher than in non-smokers.
20.04.2018The people who participated in the experiment were shown a black-and-white image of geometric shapes and words. Then the information obtained by scanning the activity of the brain department that is responsible for vision was analyzed by a computer and displayed the resulting image on the screen.
11.12.2008The Academic Council of SPbPU decided to create a new institute of biomedical systems and technologies.
21.11.2017The criminal conspiracy of two dozen pharmaceutical companies has been revealed. Secret agreements helped keep generic prices high.
02.11.2017Of the 12,000 surveyed patients admitted to the hospital due to acute myocardial infarction, 13% were engaged in physical exercises before the heart attack, and 14% were angry or upset.
12.10.2016Researchers have developed a new insulin formulation using nanoparticles that self-regulate depending on blood glucose levels
23.05.2023So far, doctors are expressing cautious optimism about whether the patient will only be able to go to the toilet or live a sexual life as a result.
17.05.2016If the results obtained on rats are confirmed, people will be able to limit themselves to food for 6 months, after which, when returning to a normal diet, taking alpha-lipoic acid will retain the effect of calorie restriction.
01.10.2008In this article, we will analyze the events of 2015 according to Science and Nature, which relate to the field of life sciences.
28.12.2015Even if only one protein molecule binds to one of the antibodies attached to the nanowire, the electrical conductivity of the nanowire changes. Hundreds of nanowires designed to detect different molecules in a single sample can be placed on small inexpensive chips.
15.07.2008The new non-invasive procedure allows to determine the presence of 96 genetic markers associated with the development of the most common oncological diseases (breast cancer, ovarian cancer, colorectal cancer and melanoma).
11.09.2015The State Duma has passed a law according to which up to 12 years in prison are threatened for the sale of counterfeit medicines. If the bill is approved by the Federation Council and signed by the President, it will enter into force on January 23, 2015.
23.12.2014When grown in a periodically switched on hydraulic press, artificial cartilage tissue grows three times more durable than under normal pressure.
10.06.2008Prenatal screening studies, which are used to detect chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, reveal no more than half of such anomalies. At the same time, these studies are associated with an increased risk of miscarriage and infant mortality.
03.06.2008This is the first time that scientists have managed to force the gene of an extinct animal to perform its biological function normally in the body of another animal.
21.05.2008You can write to the editor at:
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