18 February 2008

CDH13 is a marker of recurrent prostate cancer

Scientists at the Oregon Health & Science University Cancer Institute have identified a biomarker of a high risk of prostate cancer recurrence after surgical removal of the primary tumor.

The authors have done the most extensive work to date to study the relationship between variants of DNA methylation regulating gene activity and recurrence of prostate cancer, in which they studied samples of tumor tissue from 151 patients diagnosed with localized prostate cancer observed for at least five years after prostatectomy. Every third patient had tumor relapses.

According to the results obtained, the presence of an inactive form of the CDH13 gene in tumor cells is associated with a five-fold increase in the risk of recurrence. The CDH13 gene is active in normal prostate cells, but suppression of its functioning in some tumors is associated with their increased tendency to metastasis and spread in the body.

Currently, doctors evaluate the aggressiveness of prostate cancer based on the results of histological examination and the level of prostate-specific antigen in the blood, but both of these methods are far from perfect. According to the authors, the appearance of a new marker will improve the quality of treatment of this common disease and improve patient survival, however, before being introduced into clinical practice, the results of the work must be confirmed in a separate larger study.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru based on Ivanhoe materials


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