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Regular work for 10 hours a day or more significantly increases the risk of stroke, especially in people younger than 50 years.
21.06.2019Regular work for 10 hours a day or more significantly increases the risk of stroke, especially in people younger than 50 years.
21.06.2019Anatoly Chubais, CEO of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation (RUSNANO), will take part in the World Economic Forum.
26.01.2009The Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine will be awarded to D. Ellison and T.Honjo for the discovery of cancer therapy by removing the restriction of the immune response.
01.10.2018The authors created genetically modified mice in which endorphin receptors, after meeting with opiates, could enter into endocytosis in the same way as it happens in the presence of endorphins. For these animals, morphine continued to be an excellent analgesic, not causing the development of tolerance and dependence.
04.02.2008The next stage of clinical trials of an experimental HIV vaccine has been successfully completed. 393 volunteers participated in it.
09.07.2018Scientists have covered tiny chips with layers of inert polymer nanofilm, making them "invisible" to the body's immune system. After that, the anti-inflammatory drug dexamethasone was introduced between the layers of the film and chips were implanted in mice.
30.01.2008To search for genes of predisposition to the formation of herpetic ulcers, the authors used a method of analyzing the coupling between gene loci, which allows tracking genetic markers in families to identify regions of chromosomes containing genes of predisposition to the disease.
30.01.2008American biotech companies are not giving up in the face of HIV – currently 52 medicines and vaccines are at the stage of development and registration.
03.07.2017A man from China, who has been living without a right ear for the last few years, will soon get a new one. After doctors grow this part of the body on the patient's arm, using the cartilaginous part of his rib.
14.11.2016On the first day of the Biomedicine-2016 forum, a round table dedicated to the law "On Biomedical Cell Products" will be held at the Technopark of Novosibirsk Akademgorodok.
23.06.2016The Center for Collective Use "Molecular Paleontology" will be the first and only place in Russia where research will be conducted on the latest equipment using unique technologies to search for living mammoth cells and study the DNA of ancient animals.
16.03.2015Beta-endorphin-producing neurons not only improve a person's morale, but also play a role in regulating stress reactions and immune functions that provide control over the formation and progression of tumors.
10.06.2008The judges believe that DNA analysis provides a unique opportunity to solve serious crimes, and modern technologies allow it to be carried out by minimally invasive methods – for example, by simply taking a saliva sample from a detainee.
04.06.2013In order to effectively and optimally train such personnel, Tyumen State University is recruiting for the first time for a new specialty "Bioengineering and Bioinformatics".
03.06.2013Plastic pistols and rifles of the SelectaDNA High Velocity system shoot capsules weighing 1 gram. Each store contains 14 capsules with the same DNA markers, so they can tag up to 14 people.
25.01.2013You can now download the issues of the Russian and English versions of the Acta Naturae journals on his website in the Archive section.
28.12.2012Progress is nowhere better: five years ago, 45-50% of innovators offered to introduce newly invented bicycles, perpetual motion machines, etc.
16.01.2012Nobel Prize winner in Medicine Barry Marshall has developed a vaccine against influenza, for the delivery of which the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is used in the human body – the cause of stomach and duodenal ulcers.
29.06.2011In carriers of two copies of the "longevity gene", memory deteriorated less quickly, and the risk of developing senile dementia was reduced. The risk of Alzheimer's disease, for example, was as much as 70% lower.
14.01.2010Surgeons removed a corneal area of one square millimeter containing stem cells from the patient's healthy left eye. Then a piece of tissue was grown in the laboratory, increasing its size by 400 times.
23.12.2009You can write to the editor at:
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