How many, how many billions?
The planned amount of funding for the creation of the Skolkovo center remains unchanged – 85 billion rubles from 2010 to 2015.
27.08.2012The planned amount of funding for the creation of the Skolkovo center remains unchanged – 85 billion rubles from 2010 to 2015.
27.08.2012Google founder Sergey Brin, who inherited a mutation from his mother that significantly increases the risk of developing Parkinson's disease, decided to stimulate the search for new drugs for the treatment of Parkinsonism.
16.05.2012After the next replenishment, the total number of participants of the Skolkovo Innograd is 304. 91 of them are residents of the biomedical technologies cluster.
20.12.2011A new method for estimating the number of DNA and RNA molecules can increase the accuracy of modern technologies for reading and copying nucleic acids.
22.11.2011The technique of therapeutic cloning is quite complex in technical terms and ambiguous from an ethical point of view, but with its help it was possible to cure Parkinson's disease in mice. In the future, it may become an effective method of combating Parkinson's disease in humans.
24.03.2008The Savelovsky court of Moscow granted the claim of the psychotherapist Anatoly Kashpirovsky to the chief psychiatrist of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation V. Shamrey and the VGTRK TV company. Shamrey claimed that Kashpirovsky was harming a significant number of people and understood this.
15.06.2011The number of stem cell transplants in Russia does not exceed 560 per year, while only among patients with tumors of the hematopoietic system from 7-10 thousand patients need them.
16.03.2011Amendments to the Tax Code allow all innovative small enterprises to use a simplified taxation system, stimulating the creation of such enterprises by budgetary scientific and educational institutions.
25.11.2010According to a study published in the BMJ, 67% of men and 40% of women aged 65-74 have had sex in the last 12 months, and in 75-85 years – more than a third of men and only 17% of women.
19.04.2010Bo Eriksson from Gutenberg University investigated the influence of the social status of older people on their life expectancy and proposed four mechanisms that determine this dependence.
15.04.2010Currently, China ranks fifth among the world's "biotech powers".
01.04.2010Alcohol activates cellular mechanisms that contribute to the malignancy of normal cells, increase the aggressiveness of cancer cells and facilitate their spread throughout the body.
05.11.2009According to the authors, this was such a confusing observation that they had to repeat the experiments several more times until they were finally convinced of the ability of telomeres to recover.
19.10.2009It is too early to talk about transferring the results to medicine, but scientists will be able to better understand the nature of heart aging in the near future.
13.10.2009More than half of Russian innovative entrepreneurs do not trust the activities of state innovation structures and venture funds with state participation.
14.09.2009To implement the project, a joint venture is being created, the participants of which will be RUSNANO and NTfarma LLC. It is planned to bring two types of vaccines and therapeutic biologics to the market.
27.07.2009New York researchers have identified three genes that specifically regulate the spread of breast cancer metastases to the brain. The data obtained are important for understanding the mechanisms of metastasis spread and developing possible approaches to cancer treatment, especially gene therapy methods.
07.05.2009The first ever fully cured HIV patient, American Timothy Ray Brown, died from a recurrence of blood cancer.
28.09.2020Respondents over the age of 27 showed a significant decrease in results in tests for logic, quick thinking and spatial imagination. Scientists have recorded memory deterioration in study participants over 37 years old; other intellectual functions begin to decline after 42 years.
17.03.2009Experts in the field of biomedical law propose to introduce a new concept – "essentially a person" or "basically a person".
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