24 March 2009

Hematopoietic stem cells from umbilical cord blood: now twice as many

In early 2009, Rospatent issued a patent to the Institute of Human Stem Cells (HSCC) and the Hemabank working in its composition for a technique for obtaining nucleated cells from umbilical cord blood.

The technique is based on the exclusive technology of two-stage cord blood sampling and allows you to double the number of hematopoietic stem cells isolated from the sample. This solves one of the main tasks of collecting and storing cord blood – collecting the maximum amount. The material collected by this method can now be enough for stem cell transplantation not only for a child, but also for an adult.

On December 2, 2008, the technique was registered and approved by Roszdravnadzor for use in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Isaev A.A., Director of ISC, "We are ready to transfer this technology and are ready to conclude licensing agreements under which we can teach this technique and allow its use to other banks. We have already received similar appeals from some Russian banks and Ukrainian banks."

The patent also describes the original method of the most reliable method of freezing the sample, which does not require the use of complex equipment that can break or fail (for example, when electricity is turned off) at the most crucial moment – with smooth cooling from 0 to -80 degrees. This method is non-volatile, does not require constant human control and at the same time is not inferior in quality to the method using software freezing.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru according to the materials of the Gemabank press service


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