Nerves in a test tube – another step
There are about a million atoms in the fibrinogen molecule, and it took scientists about six months to calculate the model of its stretching.
28.02.2008There are about a million atoms in the fibrinogen molecule, and it took scientists about six months to calculate the model of its stretching.
28.02.2008The cosmetics industry, free from prejudices related to the correctness of the use of scientific terms, has long been juggling words such as "DNA", "genes", "signaling molecules", "genetic code" and others.
27.02.2008The new gene map will not only help scientists better understand the biology and genetics of corn, but will also accelerate the development of new varieties of this important food grain. Now researchers will have to carefully analyze the collected information and draw a lot of conclusions, both purely cognitive and practical.
27.02.2008Numerous studies show that about 97% of people who have achieved weight loss with the help of strict diets subsequently return it and even with an increase. But losing weight without exhausting diets is possible and not even that difficult...
27.02.2008A new method of gene therapy that attracts immune cells and "trains" them to destroy polymorphic glioma, ensures the formation of long-term antitumor immunity, does not cause side effects and, in the process of tumor destruction, stimulates the restoration of lost brain functions and behavioral skills.
27.02.2008...and the best producer from the farm where bullfighting bulls are raised will be cloned in a year.
26.02.2008A register of bone marrow donors is being created on the basis of the R.M. Gorbacheva Institute of Pediatric Hematology and Transplantation of I.P. Pavlov St. Petersburg State Medical University.
26.02.2008AG Copernic announces a contest of business ideas among talented students, postgraduates and aspiring entrepreneurs.
22.02.2008Mice with altered mitochondrial DNA looked normal at the beginning of life, but at one year of age they developed degenerative diseases of the heart and skeletal muscles, similar to similar human diseases. It is possible that mitochondrial DNA mutations are the cause of age-related diseases.
22.02.2008Advanced Cell Technology specialists have developed a highly efficient process for converting embryonic stem cells into hepatocytes, allowing them to begin large-scale production for use in basic research, clinical medicine and preclinical drug testing.
22.02.2008Tiny sensors are embedded in the fabric of such clothes, registering information about movements and indicators of vital functions of the body – breathing, heart rate, temperature of various parts of the body. The data can be analyzed remotely using the built-in GPRS transmitters.
22.02.2008You can write to the editor at:
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