Scientists have created a mouse with fully human immunity
These animals have a full human immune system and the same gut microbiome
08.07.2024These animals have a full human immune system and the same gut microbiome
08.07.2024Cadmium, chromium and vanadium were also detected in all samples
08.07.2024Using eggshells, eco-friendly plastic and a 3D printer, US researchers have learnt how to create cheaper and more effective versions of artificial scaffolds to repair and grow bone tissue
08.07.2024A retrospective observational study by Chinese scientists found that vaginal cancer incidence is on the rise worldwide
05.07.2024US scientists conducted an observational study and concluded that high temperatures during pregnancy are associated with an increased risk of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in children
05.07.2024Migraine sufferers can sometimes predict attacks by minor symptoms called an aura
05.07.2024Living in a city with a highly polluted atmosphere has a marked effect on the lymph nodes in the lungs
04.07.2024Researchers in the US have identified a risk of rare vision loss in those taking semaglutide-based diabetes and overweight drugs
04.07.2024An experiment on overweight rodents showed that the intensity of weight gain may be related to bone function
04.07.2024US researchers conducted an observational cohort study and found that taking three of the eight most commonly prescribed antidepressants in the country was associated with a significantly increased risk of weight gain, and one with a reduced risk of weight loss
03.07.2024Previous studies have shown that a person's weight and health may be influenced by changes in fat tissue type
03.07.2024Alcohol consumption along with energy drinks at a young age affected brain function in the long term
03.07.2024Lithium therapy can help even if there is a long time between the start and the end of the exposure
02.07.2024Scientists have for the first time confirmed the association between unbalanced quantitative and qualitative composition of oral bacterial flora and a biomarker of Alzheimer's disease in cerebrospinal fluid in cognitively healthy older adults
02.07.2024According to scientists published in JAMA Internal Medicine, this study shows the lack of reliability of case reports in the issue of prevalence of medication side effects
02.07.2024Small fish, which is a significant part of the Japanese diet, is considered an important source of micronutrients and vitamins, especially when consumed whole with bones and internal organs
01.07.2024A new peer-reviewed study by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) has found that the health care industry worldwide needs an additional 43 million health care workers to provide services to all those in need
01.07.2024An international team of scientists has concluded that genes that protect against alcohol addiction can trigger a number of other diseases, including cancer
01.07.2024Children were more likely to seek medical attention for asthma during extreme heat waves, according to a study presented at the American Thoracic Society International Conference
28.06.2024According to an article from The BMJ, mortality declined 13 times faster in countries with a high socio-demographic index
28.06.2024You can write to the editor at:
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