16 November 2016

Once again about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle

Scientists have found out how to halve the genetic risk of heart disease

Elena Subbotina, Rossiyskaya Gazeta

A healthy lifestyle significantly reduces the chances of developing heart disease in people who are genetically predisposed to such diseases, a team of scientists from the United States and Sweden found out.

The genetic risk of heart problems is reduced by moderate exercise, a healthy diet and smoking cessation, writes Science World Report (Heart Disease Risk Found In The DNA Can Be Reduced, Research Shows).

The researchers came to this conclusion after studying the data of more than 55 thousand people who participated in four large-scale studies.

As the analysis showed, "bad" genes can double the risk of heart disease, while a healthy lifestyle, on the contrary, can reduce the likelihood of heart ailments by half.

Accordingly, in volunteers who had an increased genetic risk and did not adhere to a healthy lifestyle, the risk of heart attack and other heart problems over a 10-year period was approximately 10%. However, those with genetic risk, who were distinguished by healthy habits, had only a 5 percent risk of developing heart problems. According to the authors of the study, many participants who had a relatively good genetic profile had about the same amount.

An article about the discovery of America (Khera et al., Genetic Risk, Adherence to a Healthy Lifestyle, and Coronary Disease) is published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine – VM.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru 16.11.2016

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